León Ferrari, a name honored with the Golden Lion at the 2007 Venice Biennale and represented by the Nara Roesler Gallery in Brazil and abroad, receives the first large-scale solo exhibition inside a gallery, after his death in 2013. Curated by Lisette Lagnado, this panoramic exhibition covers almost half a century of the multimedia artist's creative process, gathering a selection of works made between 1962 and 2009.

The curator states: "A profound erudite on the canonical gospels, León Ferrari dedicated much of his time to defending his main thesis: the artistic heritage of Western culture is based on promises of penalties and torture, with Hell and Revelation as categorical imperatives of impious humankind". According to her, in the contemporary universe of artistic practices, encounters with such an expressive mass of engaged writings are rare.

In April, Ferrari will be a relevant presence in the art circuit. Aside from his solo exhibition at the São Paulo Nara Roesler Gallery and his figurehead status at the SP-Arte fair, the artist is the theme of a MAM-SP seminar, with the mediation of Lisette Lagnado and the participation of names such as Catherine David, curator of the Centre Pompidou, Pablo León de la Barra from Guggenheim NY and Anna Ferrari from Fundação Augusto e León Ferrari and León Ferrari Arte e Acervo - FALFAA, among others. Ferrari also participates in the MUBE exhibition Esculturas para ouvir. In addition, another exhibition of the artist will open at the Nara Roesler Gallery in New York.