Nestled on the eastern tip of Java Island in Indonesia, Banyuwangi is a captivating regency where nature, and mysticism converge harmoniously, establishing a crucial connection between earthly world and spiritual realms. This synergy with spirituality is not just a choice; it's a cultural cornerstone. These values and traditions have been passed down through generations, serving as guideposts for the community's moral compass and values.

Within Banyuwangi, folklores inhabit a place of distinction. These tales, soaked in enduring wisdom, principles, and mythical characters, embed themselves into the very essence of the region's identity. Among these narratives, one celebrated legend shines bright — a valiant King made the poignant decision to rename the once-known ‘Blambangan” kingdom to Banyuwangi, a Javanese term signifying "fragrant water". This symbolic renaming was a tribute to honour his wife's unwavering loyalty and her ultimate sacrifice, forever enshrining their saga in the annals of history. Aekanu Hariyono, author and cultural observer, says:

There is particularly high density of Osing people in region of Banyuwangi, which developed at the end of the era of Blambangan Kingdom. Their (Osing) descendants are known for their distinct customs, culture and language. The Osing Ethnic Tradition is a growing system of cultural knowledge, beliefs, values and product of a system which is shared by the community. Art is one of the most dominant cultural products in Banyuwangi.

“Gandrung” is one such quintessential gem that encapsulates the pristine elegance of Banyuwangi. Gandrung dance historically serves as a welcoming ritual during distinguished ceremonies. This traditional dance has evolved over time, originally performed by male dancers who doubled as spies during the Dutch colonial era. In its contemporary form, Gandrung is gracefully executed by female dancers adorned in intricate costumes, elaborate headgear, and meticulous makeup.

What sets Gandrung apart is its unique choreography, as it emphasizes the collective beauty of the entire dance group rather than focusing on any individual performer, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle often accompanied by live “gamelan” . The annual Gandrung Sewu Festival celebrates this enchanting dance form, with hundreds of performers coming together to offering a dazzling display of Banyuwangi's rich heritage.

Another fascinating tradition in Banyuwangi is “Batik”, the art of applying wax and dye to fabric to create intricate patterns and designs. The region's unique Batik patterns often weave motifs inspired by the lush forests, wildlife, and mythical creatures. The process of creating Banyuwangi Batik is labour-intensive and requires exceptional skill. Native artisans meticulously draw patterns with wax on the fabric, then apply dyes in a specific order to achieve the desired colours.

This creative spirit is not limited to artistic expressions. Banyuwangi's cultural vitality is further enthused by a calendar of festivals held throughout the year. Each with its unique attributes, these celebrations act as a vibrant bridge, uniting the local community and foreign visitors from around the world in an atmosphere of jubilation, harmony, and deep respect for the rich traditions. Among the highlights of these festivities is the Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival – a colourful testament to the regency's moto to embracing diversity. Participants proudly display their unique customs, clothing, and art forms, offering a kaleidoscopic spectacle. Banyuwangi's history famously traces its roots in mysticism and a belief in supernatural forces. The regency is a home to its practitioners of traditional Javanese mustics, locally known as "dukun"; These shamans are believed to possess special powers, including the ability to heal and communicate with spirits.

Among the mystical traditions of Banyuwangi is Seblang, a unique trance dance performed by the Osing community. This sacred ritual blends dance and mysticism, as performers enter a trance-like state, establishing a profound connection with ancestral spirits. Seblang offers a transcendental experience, with its rhythmic movements and haunting music creating an otherworldly atmosphere that captivates both participants and spectators alike.

Kebo-Keboan is another tradition within the Banyuwangi community that fuses their quest for the supernatural with their agrarian customs. During Kebo-Keboan, farmers symbolically transform into buffaloes, possessed by a divine spirit, while demonstrating resilience in the face of potential disasters and expressing gratitude to God for the successful rice harvest. These rituals are a testament to the indispensable spiritual beliefs that permeate Banyuwangi's culture, where the earthly and spiritual realms are intricately intertwined.

While the majority of Banyuwangi's mystical practices are rooted in spirituality and healing, there are cases where black magic or “kebal” is used for less benevolent purposes. Tales of individuals who have allegedly harnessed dark powers for personal gain have added an aura of mystery to Banyuwangi's culture.

Banyuwangi has evolved from its status as a holiday destination to being a vibrant reflection of Indonesia's cultural mosaic. A visit to Banyuwangi transforms you from a mere tourist into an intrepid explorer, nurturing the capacity to observe beyond the superficial and embrace the raw essence of human aesthetics. In Banyuwangi, traditions and culture are not treated as relics of the past, but celebrated with fervent enthusiasm, ensuring their resonance echoes through ages.

Shielded from the tumultuous currents of urbanization and capitalism, in Banyuwangi, you'll find its authentic core, a collective existence that guides modernity to patch up with the innate drive to possess curiosity about the unknown, imagine the unfound possibilities, and celebrate beliefs intertwined with the enigmatic forces of nature.