One of the fascinating topics for research is knowing what destiny is, how it originates, and why it inevitably happens. The truth is that until today science has not found an answer. In daily life when faced with an unexpected event, when we do not find an explanation, we say that they are things of fate. At the level of empirical evidence, everything is predictable, therefore, destiny is annulled. At the level of science, with the knowledge of scientific law, a phenomenon is predictable, and destiny is also annulled. At the level of a complex reality where science does not have laws, the unpredictable appears, and since it has no explanation, the acceptance of destiny appears. What would happen if the laws of said complex reality were known? Surely the events would also be predictable, being so, destiny would also be annulled. The problem is that the scientific method cannot demonstrate the events of a complex reality. It is a problem because it is the limitation of the scientific method, but not of human knowledge. Science works with specific laws that do not reach complex realities. This does not indicate that complex realities do not have laws, laws exist at all levels of reality, and the evidence is the presence of destiny.

According to the main meaning of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, destiny is the concatenation of events considered necessary and fatal.

This definition is the key to understanding destiny, the concatenation of events indicates the presence of laws, and the fatal concept indicates that we do not know these laws. Thus, the fatality of fate is only due to ignorance of the laws. How can knowledge of the laws prevent us from the fatality of fate? Here appears the concept of adaptation to reality. Adaptation leads us to integration into the universal order and gives us a greater capacity for conservation. On the other hand, ignorance of the laws leads us against the current, against destiny and without success. Here the concept of failure appears as a consequence of acting without knowing the laws. Naturally, not all laws have the same category, there are specific laws for specific phenomena with which science works. There are universal laws, and universal principles that belong to the field of philosophy. From here arises the need to integrate philosophy and science to solve human problems that derive from ignorance of universal laws and principles.

The Princonser method (principle of conservation of being), allows us to understand destiny through universal reason based on the universal essence.

The universal essence is the unity of energy and matter in continuous transformation. This transformation is unidirectional, this determines the concatenation of events and is also the cause of movement and the unidirectionality of time. Empirical and scientific evidence confirms this statement. Empirical evidence is the passage of time from the present to the future. Scientific evidence is the explanation of time as a consequence of movement, and the explanation of movement as a consequence of the interaction of energy and matter, that is, of the universal essence.

The principle of inseparability of energy and matter is evidence of the universal essence present in all systems of the universe. Even in the scientific creations of the human being, the universal essence reflected in technique and technology is present. If we take away the universal essence, we open up the concept of impossibility, the impossibility of emptiness, the impossibility of existence, the impossibility of nothingness, and the impossibility of life and death.

Energy is governed by the principle of conservation, it is indestructible because it has no structure, it is timeless because it can pass from one level to another through its integration into matter. Here lies the key to understanding events and why the universe is populated by systems of different levels. The understanding of the events annuls the place of destiny.

Matter has structure and is the system of the universe at all levels of integration, from the simplest particle to cosmic systems. Matter is governed by the principle of destruction, by this principle it tends to disintegrate, therefore, all systems are temporary. For this reason, the human being has always sought the timeless, the eternal, and the transcendent, as a denial of temporality or denial of death, which includes the denial of the fatality of destiny. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to understand the law of dependency.

The law of the dependence of energy and matter for the formation of the entities of the universe is valid for our human condition that we are also energy and matter. Our ontological stratum of being energy and matter leads us to the need to preserve ourselves based on energy and matter. Here is the origin of food to restore our biological material base. This process occurs in metabolism, which is the presence of the universal essence where matter is transformed into energy and energy into matter.

The law of interaction governs the process of transformation from matter to energy and vice versa, guaranteeing the achievement of the universal essence. The interaction is inside the system and outside the system, therefore, all the systems of the universe are concatenated by the universal essence that is explained by means of its principles and laws. If it were not so, there would be no universal interaction, without universal interaction there would be no struggle for existence, life would also be impossible because a living being cannot preserve itself by consuming its own energy, it needs the energy of the environment. The struggle for existence at the same time is regulated by the law of integration that allows the conservation of beings in the universe.

The law of integration governs the behavior of energy that tends to integrate with matter. Energy is the cause of the formation of the family, society, and humanity. For the system to be stable, it is necessary that the energy that it feeds is greater than the total energy that the system releases. In cases where the energy is lower, the system is unstable and therefore disintegrates. If we know this law we can predict the temporality of a system, also its durability, in this way the concept of destiny is annulled.

Disintegration governs the behavior of matter due to its impossibility of self-preservation and because it depends on the energy it is subject to its temporality and disintegration. Therefore, all systems disintegrate. Life in its biological base also disintegrates, however, the energy that gave rise to life is preserved and ends it by separating, passing into timelessness. In the human being, the pass to timelessness is reflected in the search for transcendence, this is the transcendent destiny.

The knowledge of the law of timelessness leads human beings to choose a transcendent destiny. This attempt throughout history has manifested itself in the search for truth, in the search for the principles of the universe. Naturally, ignorance of the laws has led us down wrong paths to failure, as in the case of the alchemists who tried to discover the remedy that would cure all diseases and achieve eternal life, the intention was good but the wrong path, because life it is energy and the body is temporary support. The body is subject to temporality.

Through the law of temporality, it is known that all systems inevitably disintegrate. Life as a biological system is also subject to temporality. The human being aware of his biological temporality uses reason to choose the path of energy through the law of timelessness to transcend or choose the transcendent destiny.