The universal essence is the unity of energy and matter. From this unity arises the principle of inseparability. From energy arises the principle of conservation and from matter arises the principle of destruction. The universal essence is present in all the elements of the universe. Humanity is an element of the universe, therefore, it carries in its being the universal essence, that is, the unity of energy and matter. The universal principles arise from the universal essence, therefore, they are expressed in all the elements of the universe and specifically in humanity. Human nature comprises the biological being, the social being and the spiritual being. The human essence is the unity of the biological being and the spiritual being. The field of interaction and integration of the human essence is the social being. According to universal principles, the principle of inseparability governs the social being. The principle of conservation rules in the spiritual being and the principle of destruction rules in the biological being.

The principle of inseparability and social being

The principle of inseparability governs the dependence and interaction of energy and matter. The spirit represents energy and the biological represents matter. Thus, the field of interaction between the biological being and the spiritual being is society. Society has levels of organization that correspond to the interaction of the biological being and the social being, which can be the family, the community, society, humanity, the planet Earth and the universe. About the social being, we can ask different questions. Can the human essence exist without the social being?

The human essence as the unity of the biological and the spiritual depends on the universal essence. The social being is a field of interaction for the evolution of the spiritual being, therefore, the social being is a means for the evolution of the spirit, it is also a means that guarantees the conservation of the biological dimension. The evolution of the spiritual being determines the conservation of the human being. The human essence emerged from social interaction, interaction with nature and the universe. Therefore, the human essence cannot exist without the mother that gave rise to it.

Can the social being exist without the human essence?

The social being is a means of interaction of the human being, therefore, it is the consequence of the need for the conservation of the spiritual being, thus, it cannot exist without the human essence. First, it is the human essence, then, due to the need for conservation, the social being arises. There are also other means of interaction such as planetary nature and the universe that allow the spirit to evolve, beyond individual and social consciousness.

The principle of conservation and the spiritual being

The conservation principle governs the behavior of energy. In the human being, the energy is the spiritual being. The spiritual being as energy is timelessly indestructible. The indestructibility of the spiritual being determines its evolution in the course of history. The evolution of the spiritual being is phylogenetic and ontogenetic. Phylogenetic evolution is expressed in the history of mankind. Ontogenetic evolution is expressed in the evolution of the consciousness of each human being. The evolution of consciousness obeys the principle of conservation and has the goal of reaching universal consciousness. The universal consciousness is expressed in the universal wisdom that is achieved through education. Thus, education is a process of transformation of the individual spiritual being to the universal spiritual being. The education of the conscience aimed at universal wisdom responds to the principle of conservation. For this reason, humanity in all space and time has sought universal principles to achieve wisdom. Thus philosophy arose as the love of wisdom, and science arose from philosophy as a specific continuity of the search for true knowledge.

The principle of destruction and the biological being

The principle of destruction governs the behavior of matter. Therefore, in the human being, the behavior of the biological being governs. The biological being is the material support for the conservation of the spiritual being. The biological being is preserved thanks to energy. The energy determines the conservation of the biological being and is at the same time the support of the spiritual being. The foundation of the conservation of the biological being is the genetic code. The genetic code is the materialization of energy. Thus, the indestructibility of energy is manifested in its materialization. The materialization of energy through the genetic code makes possible the reproduction of the biological being. The conservation of the biological being depends on energy, this dependence opens the new interaction through food. Thus, the feeding process is the transformation of matter into energy, it is exactly the reverse process of the formation of the genetic code.


  1. The analysis of humanity through universal principles is consistent with the universal essence.
  2. The coherence of the conservation principle consists in analyzing the energy expressed in the spiritual being.
  3. The coherence of the principle of inseparability consists in analyzing the interaction of the spiritual being or the biological being through the social being.
  4. The coherence of the principle of destruction consists in analyzing the matter expressed in the biological being.