The constant in change

It is very common to find assertions expressing the fact that everything in the environment is constantly changing, in such a way that nothing remains static in time and, therefore, the concrete manifestations of material reality will always be different, even when the conditions that integrate it are like those that existed in previous events.

In a simple way, the idea that all change generates resistance has been generalized, becoming an automatic expression that is used to identify those moments of doubtful suspense in which the subjects reflect on their possible actions in the presence of new situations that arise in the daily transit, and on which the wealth of lived circumstances could eventually be found devoid of experiences.

However, it would be convenient to understand that all change, as a continuous process, generates reactions in the subjects that go beyond resistance. In this process they come together, either as phases of a transition or as circumstances that flow in parallel to the change itself, from passive acceptance to the denial of the emerging reality, accommodating inertia, subversion, revolution, rebellion, and innovative adaptability.

Apparently, these statements about change seem to point to situations that are external to human beings, but just like the criterion in quantum theory about the alteration of reality that represents the presence of the observer in the perceived events, in the continuum that the change represents above all, the integration of human action is a transforming variable that logically affects the change itself.

Now, with these wickers of premises, it is possible to understand the exacerbated widespread quality, about the positive results that a well-oriented human intervention can produce in the material reality.

The human gear

The humanization of material reality, as an intellectual and collective force that permeates all areas and dimensions of knowledge, is a foreseeable result of the integration of human activity in the realization of the whole.

A very illustrative example can be seen in the classification of quarks, where the names assigned to differentiate them are striking because although it was done arbitrarily, it clearly reflects the scope of humanization. Thus, the six quarks that have been identified, acquiring the denomination of flavors and colors, are known as up, down, charm, strange, top/truth, and bottom/beauty.

With these names, it is hard to believe that this quark thing is referring to elementary particles that make up ordinary matter, located among the smallest structures, and are also the only ones that can interact with the four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. And since change is in the nature of everything, it is worth mentioning that even a quark of one flavor can be transformed into another of a different flavor through a process known as weak interaction.

Quarks, grouped into protons and neutrons, are embedded in all matter that can be perceived. Similarly, like billions of gears linked to the whole, concretized in ideas, circumstances, events and facts, human beings are integrated into the configuration of what surrounds us. And we do it from an individual and unique process of change.

This process, characteristic of the human being, can be summarized with a triphasic display, compressed in the statement believe, create, and do.

To believe: the internal motivation

In the immeasurable diversity of interventions that billions of human beings carry out on their environment every day, whether by action or omission, previously intentional or not, a set of internal or external factors determine their momentum.

The accumulation of interactions that this activity generates, irreversibly impacts material reality, both in the immediate temporal space and in the determination of subsequent actions, apparently creating a cycle that, in the form of a spiral, is circularly projected towards becoming.

The dimension and scope of the results of an individual's intervention in his environment will always be a reflection of the internal connotation of his participation in the change: the things that happen to someone are the size of the situations in which he gets involved.

This last expression reflects the transforming quality of the human being, because, despite the limitations that external factors could represent, each individual has the potential to overcome circumstances, forging extraordinary events. The realization of this potential is influenced by how internal motivations compel an individual to develop and use his abilities to achieve an aspiration.

This intimate conviction tends to become a personal certainty about the possibility of accomplishing something, even in the absence of rational analysis. It is the essence of believe. Believing is, therefore, an initial state that fosters the advancement of human beings towards a better future.

The confidence that arises after overcoming the daydream that moves the mind to the ideology of becoming, establishes the breath required to release the creative impulse and could represent an inexhaustible source of hope, especially in those moments in which the horizon of full realization looms distant or inaccessible.

Throughout life, everyone consolidates a set of beliefs and motivations that stand as defining pillars of the way in which he deals with new challenges and projects. But in front of the uncertainty that change represents, renewing the internal purpose to face the new dynamics is an appropriate adjustment to become the owner of the path of realization.

The improvement and broadening of internal purposes have a genuine justification, because to believe is, in general terms, the certainty of something that is considered real, even when we do not have direct knowledge about it, so internally focusing on the motivational load is the logical result from a fundamental premise of trusting in what we fully know, ourselves, summed up in the globally known affirmation of believing in oneself, as a bastion from which the opportunities to control the better becoming are projected.

To create: the transformative impulse

Inherent in human nature, creative capacity is the attribute that anticipates and characterizes the manifestation of a conscious transformation.

Regardless of the subjective qualities that incline everyone to differentially interpret what he perceives in the scrutinized reality, the creative potential tends to draw from pre-existing conditions, eventually complementing his purposeful journey with the speculative abstractions provided by the imagination. But although the imagination is a force that favors the creative impulse, previous preparation, studies, and research promote creativity in a relevant way. Therefore, imagination, training, and research are neither exclusive nor excluding.

It is the transforming intention that makes the creative exercise relevant, whether in the form of improvised artistic expression, or a complex medical-scientific formulation that guides research for the cure of some disease. And that internal motivation is based on belief. The creative capacity plays a determining role in guiding human activity towards the positive achievement of fulfillment.

Creating is an immanent quality of the human being, which exponentially manifests itself in unquantifiable mental sparks. Only a portion of these events externalize and eventually come to fruition. And as an inexhaustible spring that gives rise to conscious changes, creating is the irreplaceable tool for developing mechanisms that affect the individual and global transformations that are required, not only to advance towards the generation of innovative improvements in the quality of life but also to achieve the overcoming of humanity.

The way in which each individual channels his creative capacity determines the impact that he will achieve in the alteration of material reality because creating does not acquire all its essence if it is not manifested in doing.

To do: The will to realize

Permanently, and in the same space of time, billions of human beings are carrying out actions of a different nature, something whose magnitude can hardly be measured or simply imagined. Human activity, which is the expression commonly used to refer to this massive collective intervention in material reality, generates a profound impact, not only on the perceptible environment but also on mankind itself.

All this pressure from human action leads to disruptive transformations, which collectively cause unwanted effects, some catastrophic, to the point that they even put the very existence of humanity at risk. It is in the conscious action, that responds to the transforming intention towards the fullness of future, individual, collective, or global, where the foundation is found to contribute to the change that guarantees security and fulfillment.

Specifically, this doing implies using effort, resources, and capacities to materialize what is aspired to. Here, the enigma of realization arises, because getting a result close to the desired image represents a constant challenge, which can only be overcome through perseverance. It is not easy to explain that the fact of trying is in itself an achievement, regardless of the success or failure of the expected result, because an attempt in doing impacts material reality, and its effect is inexorably manifested, not necessarily with the expected outcome, but without a doubt with presumable consequences.

In these conditions, willpower emerges as a human virtue that manifests itself in the perseverance to achieve the intrinsic objectives in doing, facing the obstacles and difficulties that may arise, even under circumstances that impede knowing the possibility of obtaining the expected result. It is at this point that the doing and believing that have been referred to are found again. This is the space of convergence where trust emerges centered on the wealth of motivations cultivated by everyone, which paves the way for the awakening of new reasons to believe.

Integration to change

The permanent cycle of the human process of integration to change, arranged into believe, to create, and to do, contains a pattern where it is possible to find the potential solution to the aspiration of human beings to establish the course towards their desires, individual most of the time.

It was explained earlier that, individually, each human being has the potential to bring about extraordinary events. It is an affirmation that is equally valid for social groups, as well as for the entire humankind. The harmonization between individual processes and the configuration of a larger-scale activity that has a positive impact on deep transformations that, in addition to limiting the damage caused to the environment, favor the reestablishment of a route towards a better future, is without a doubt the higher challenge of human endeavor.

And emerging from a consciousness that transcends the individual and gives value to the complementarity of the collective, human activity can make change-oriented towards social evolution, advancing towards the always distant goal of the perfectibility of humanity.