

Founded in 2011, rosenfeld occupies a prime location in the heart of the dynamic gallery district of London’s Fitzrovia.
London, United Kingdom
Founded in

Past events



Lanfranco Quadrio & Ruozhe Xue, Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld porcini
©AnthonyLycett, EmmanuelBarcilon, Panorama6
Almagno, Tremula, 2004, wood, 50x50x10cm
Herbert Golser, Spin Off, 2014, pear wood, 30 x 30 x 205 cm
Enrique Brinkmann, asunto impreciso, 2014, ink on paper, 119 x 159 cm
Herbert Golser, Out of line, 2014, pear wood, 90 x 10 x 80 cm
Roberto Almagno, Baratro, 2008, wood, 250 x 200 x 120 cm
Nicola Samorì, Ebbro, 2011, oil on canvas, 300 x 200 cm
Nicola Samorì, Seer, 2011, 250 x 50 x 50 cm
Keita Miyazaki, Black Tree, 2014, Aluminum bronze, paper, exhaust pipe, speaker system, enamel paint, 38 x 195 x 94 cm
Bongsu Park, CELL, 2014, three channels HD video, 2'40'', Editions of 3, 2 AP
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