Angelo Tartabini
Joined Meer in August 2019
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Angelo Tartabini

Angelo Tartabini, former full professor of general psychology at the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma, has previously carried out research activities in Japan (Kyoto University) (four years 1974-1978), in the Netherlands (Institute of the Organization for Health Research, TNO) (one year 1979), in the United States of America (California University, Davis) (one year 1980), in South Africa (Witwatersrand University of Johannesburg) (one year 1981), in Canada (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto) (one year 1982) and in England for a total of ten years (1983-1992), at the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour of the Medical Research Council of the University of Cambridge under the direction of Prof. Robert Hinde and in collaboration with Dr. Michael Simpson. He is the author of more than two hundred publications and sixteen volumes, including: The World of Monkeys (Muzzio), The Man in the Mirror (Il Pensiero Scientifico), Cannibalism and Anthropophagy (Mursia), A Monkey in All of Us (B. Mondadori), Fundamentals of Evolutionary Psychology (Liguori), The Monkey Man (McGraw-Hill), The World in the Balance (Mursia), Men and Monkeys in Danger (Mursia), Crimes Against the Environment (Liguori), Origin and Evolution of Language in Collaboration with F. Giusti (Liguori), Consciousness in Animals (Mimesis), and Animal Thought (Orme). In 2021, with the book Consciousness in Animals, he won the First Literature Prize "I Murazzi" in Turin, the International Prize of Literature City of Como, and an International Prize for Literary Paths from the Gulf of Poets Shelley and Byron, Lerici (SP). In 2022, with the book Pensiero Animale, he won the First Literary Prize City of Siena, the First National Prize for Scientific Publication KERIT-LC (Reggio Calabria), the First Literary Prize City of San Pietro Apostolo (CZ), and in 2023, he received the High Narrative Merit Green Book for Naturalistic Literature. From 1987 to 1995, he published popular science articles for the daily newspaper Corriere della Sera and the monthly magazine Natura Oggi. From 2019 to 2022, he collaborated with Wall Street International Magazine, and from 2022 to 2023, he collaborated with the Letters and Comments page of the daily newspaper Corriere Adriatico. Since 2022, he has been collaborating with the online magazine MEER and with the Men and Animals section of the daily newspaper Gazzetta di Parma, and since 2023, with the online newspapers Greenreport and LeggoLondra. Il giornale degli Italiani in Gran Bregna.

The main topics covered in his articles range from general psychology to evolutionary psychology, through the ethics of non-human primates, cognition, artificial intelligence, animal intelligence, and the philosophy of science.

Articles by Angelo Tartabini

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