Roberto Mostarda
Joined Meer in March 2015
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Roberto Mostarda

Roberto Mostarda was born in Rome on February 18, 1953. He completed classical studies and pursued a university education in law.

He has been a professional journalist since June 1976. He worked in the printed press from the end of 1973 to October 1996, serving as an editor in news, domestic politics, foreign policy, and economics. From late 1997 to 2000, he gained experience as a TV host on private channels associated with the Syndication "Cinquestelle," where he coordinated the journalistic and informational segments.

From 1998 to June 2013, he worked at Rai, where he was one of the voices for various news broadcasts on Giornale Radio and the RadioRai network. He was part of editorial teams covering culture and entertainment, science, and society. Since the beginning of his career, he has been involved in trade union politics; in Usigrai, he served on the editorial committee of Giornale Radio for over five years.

He was a member of the Board of Arbitrators of the Roman Press Association for four years and served as a national councilor of the National Union of Italian Journalists (UNCI). He was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Roman Journalists Union (SCR) until 2017.

He was one of the founders and held the position of communications officer (2015-2016), later becoming president (2017-2018) of the Italy-USA Foundation, which promotes various activities, including an academic master's degree in marketing, corporate communication, and Made in Italy. He focuses on the topic of internationalization of companies at a cognitive and study level.

Since 2016, he has been a member of the Board of Founders of the Italian Foundation on Neurodegenerative Diseases (FIMAN). He is a member of the Rotary Club, where he has served as president of the communications commission of the Roma Nord Est Club, as well as holding the positions of secretary and prefect. He is also a member of the "Salvo D'Acquisto" section of the National Carabinieri Association.

He writes about foreign policy, domestic policy, economics, society, culture, science, research, and the environment for the international online portal Meer (formerly Wall Street International Magazine) and occasionally collaborates with other websites. He is also involved in the communication sector with IRIAE—the International Research Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology.

From 2018 to 2021, he served as president of the Disciplinary Council of the Order of Journalists of Lazio and was an expert in this capacity for the Reform Committee established at the National Order of Journalists. He is currently the secretary of the Roman Journalists Union, a specialization group within the Roman Press Association/FNSI. In the journalistic field, he collaborates on the creation of specialization courses in accordance with national legislation on continuous professional training (FPC) and generally oversees training in the field of institutional and corporate communication.

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