The universal essence is the first step that must be identified. This essence is defined as a unity of energy and matter in mutual transformation in a unidirectional sense. Philosophy is a system of knowledge of totality. Totality represents matter and the knowledge system represents energy. This system of knowledge of totality is subject to its evolution in the process of human beings' interaction with the world, which indicates that, in each era, philosophy is reconstructed without losing its character of being a system of knowledge. As a system of knowledge at present, four main areas of philosophy are distinguished: ontology, epistemology, anthropophilosophy, and axiology. The other branches of philosophy have their roots in these bases.

The unity of energy and matter in philosophy

From the perspective of the definition of universal essence in philosophy, the unity of energy and matter implies that both the material universe and the knowledge system are intrinsically interconnected. Matter, which represents the universe in its entirety, is the basis on which the knowledge system, representing energy, develops. This relationship of unity suggests that the philosophical understanding of the world cannot be separated from the material reality in which it manifests. Philosophy seeks to understand the essential nature of the universe, recognizing that matter and energy in the form of knowledge are in constant interaction and that this interaction is fundamental to understanding reality in its entirety. This attempt to understand the whole leads to the conception of the world. In the conception of the world, the universal essence is still present, whereas in the conception of energy, the world is matter. A rupture in this unity has brought failed philosophies such as idealism based solely on energy without matter, and materialism based solely on matter without energy.

The mutual transformation of energy and matter in philosophy

The mutual transformation of energy and matter in philosophy refers to how the knowledge system (energy) and the universe (matter) are in constant change and evolution, influencing each other. Human knowledge, as an energy system, is not static but transforms as it interacts with the material world. In turn, the material reality is affected by human interpretation and activity. This dynamic interaction between energy and matter drives philosophical and scientific progress, as well as the development of society and culture. As can be seen, the effect of knowledge is limited, as is knowledge itself. While the universe is infinite, human knowledge is finite, therefore, there is no mutual transformation between the universe and human knowledge. The only transformation of human knowledge is in human activity. Due to the biased conception of idealism or materialism, interaction with nature is disruptive. This disruption affects life in nature and also human life. Therefore, there is a need to understand universal essence as the unity of energy and matter.

The unidirectional sense of the transformation of energy and matter in philosophy

The unidirectional sense of the transformation of energy and matter in philosophy suggests that, although the interaction between these two elements is continuous and bidirectional, there is a general direction in which this transformation tends. This direction is characterized by a movement towards a deeper understanding and greater integration between the knowledge system and the material universe. As humanity advances in its understanding of the world, knowledge expands and deepens, influencing perception and interaction with matter.

The unidirectional sense of the transformation of energy and matter is important for understanding the sense of time. The transformation of energy and matter has a unidirectional sense; this unidirectional sense determines the sense of time. The unidirectional transformation of energy and matter is also the basis for understanding the interconnected universe. Let's create an imaginary scenario where the transformation is not unidirectional, so that energy can transform into another energy without passing through matter and matter can also transform into another matter without passing through energy. This fact would indicate that there is no unity between matter and energy; therefore, there would be no dependence between energy and matter, nor would there be an interaction between energy and matter; therefore, we would not speak of the unity of unidirectional transformation of energy and matter, thus, the independence of matter and energy would inevitably lead to the disappearance of the universe.

How would the universe disappear? All systems in the universe are units of matter-energy; when energy separates from matter, all material systems begin to disintegrate, and the last disintegration would end in energy, and then we would have a universe populated by energy. But energy cannot exist without being conserved in matter. Therefore, there would no longer be any energy. Without energy, the universe would be a vacuum, a vacuum that does not exist. The universe exists thanks to the elements and each element is a unit of matter and energy, which indicates that matter cannot exist without energy and energy cannot exist without matter.


Philosophy, in its quest to understand universal essence, recognizes the close relationship between energy (as a knowledge system) and matter (as a universe). This relationship implies unity, a mutual transformation, and a unidirectional sense in the interaction between both elements.

From this perspective, philosophy not only seeks to understand material reality but also to reflect on how human knowledge influences that reality and vice versa. Ultimately, this understanding of universal essence in philosophy invites us to explore the very nature of reality and our place within it.