The world recognised Isaac Newton as one of the greatest scientific geniuses ever to live. He was referred to as the co-founder of the laws of the universe's harmony, the father of physics and celestial mechanics, and many other things. By the time he was 24, he had already made significant scientific discoveries, including the analysis of white light, differential calculus, and the laws of gravity. Among them is the tremendously important work that the publication of the famous Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica distinguishes. His work was also recognised as one of 'the highest products of human intelligence, and everyone agreed that it had the most influence on the next 200 years. His writings were the result of careful and lengthy research.

Newton's discoveries, supported by modern theoretical changes, enable us to understand the universe with conclusions that are hardly offended. He believed that simplicity was the key to truth, not the complexity and confusion of things. Newton was able to extract and formulate the laws that govern the universe by observing its astonishing structure, staggering organisation, and rigorous logic. His ability to describe the wondrous order and harmony of the motion of celestial bodies led to famous arguments.

Newton was careful to avoid acrobatic reasoning and endless theorizing. He was proficient in starting with real facts and then arriving at general principles. The answers to Newton's simple, innocent questions were astonishing, as it turned out. But he started to observe in the universe hidden characteristics. According to him, the universe cannot be merely the result of chance or the evolution of non-intelligent physical-material forces, nor can it be effectively interpreted using mechanical laws alone. A supreme, immaterial being must have been the originator of the solar system and, consequently, the universe. His conclusion was that the creation of the most beautiful system of suns, planets, and comets could only be achieved through the purposes and domination of an enlightened and powerful being.

Newton, humble as he was, had realised the magnitude of human ignorance grasping the difficulties and limitations of the universe and nature. He was often saying that he considers himself a child who plays on the shore and rejoices as he finds every now and then smooth gravel. A child discovers sea shells to be more beautiful than ordinary ones, while the great ocean of truth remains completely unexplored before him. Great scientist, yes, but it's not widely known that he wrote a vast amount of studies on hagiographic and theological topics with such clarity and insight that still causes admiration today.

It is not widely known that Newton was a devoted Christian and held a profound respect for the Creator of the Universe, whom he firmly believed in. A statistical analysis of his writings may prove that he spent most of his life researching theological and religious subjects over scientific ones. The genuine observer of nature sees everywhere and confirms the Creator's presence. He perceives the traces of God in the mysteries of nature and recognises that wisdom is based on the fear of God. The conclusion is that the Creator's attributes are revealed by the universe and living beings, just like a construct or artefact does. Without seeing the infinite wisdom and goodness of the Almighty Creator in the perfect and wisest arrangement of beings right away, one is blind, and if they don't confess it, they are a moron. God, according to Newton, is able to move bodies with his unlimited sense and thus form and reform the parts of the universe by his will, just as we can move the parts of our bodies by our will. The pious sage saw every new discovery as a revelation of God's power and essence.

Newton's religious beliefs and respect for the supreme being are not solely revealed through the words and allusions he uses in his scientific treatises. He spent most of his life studying the Holy Bible and church history. From his early years, Newton was a genius and dedicated scholar of the hagiographic heritage, as well as a thorough scholar of historical and theological issues. Studying the Bible means I light the lamp of my soul from the sun. Newton was a formidable historical scholar and theologian whom few "experts" could rival due to his long-term studies of theological and hagiographic matters, his innate genius, and his long-term studies of theology and hagiography.

Newton's investigations resulted in some intriguing theological conclusions due to his tireless zeal for studying both the Bible and the universe. According to Newton, the Bible is a revelation from God to humans that is in alignment with the testimony of creation. The author responsible for both the book of nature and the Bible is the same. There is no contradiction or discord between genuine religion and orthodox science.

We must hold the belief that there is only one God or supreme ruler, whom we must respect and submit to, observe his laws, and give honour and glory to.

For Newton, the Bible is the "litmus test" of teachings, doctrines, and all kinds of church traditions. Cause and reason should be applied to support the Bible's teachings. What cannot be understood by reason cannot be believed. Newton, with his torch of faith shining and keen awareness, enters the dark tunnel of apostolic speech, determined to study the hidden words of truth and the dark prophecies, and unseal the book sealed with the “sealed seal seven' with care.

The wise man uses biblical texts in English, Latin, and Greek to explore the content of the Bible. His books are divided into two groups: the 'historical', written by individuals who are mostly contemporary with the events narrated, by authors of exceptional reliability, and the 'prophetic', which form the word of God.

The Bible's prophecies, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelation, capture the profound thoughts of the researcher, who is passionate about their study. He is pondering why prophecies exist and what their purpose is. Why did God reveal the futures through these symbols if they cannot be understood?

Newton states that this necessitates an interpretive ability that is a gift from God, as is the gift of prophecy itself. He follows the principles of mathematical thought by searching for 'rules of interpretation' and taking notes on the 'language of prophecy', which he refers to in scientific jargon as propositions and lemmata. Newton is accurate in his capture of secret messages by deciphering the various symbols found in apocalyptic literature. Newton accurately depicts the robust conflict presented in Revelation between God's sovereignty and the opposing satanic forces, which led to their ultimate destruction.

According to the apostolic counsel, the penetrating researcher stops at what is revealed and does not consider what is written.

Newton makes a wonderful observation about Jesus' unparalleled way of teaching, particularly through his parables, i.e., simple examples given by Jesus, which he drew from contemporary events and scenes of everyday life. Without question, we are dealing with a serious observer whose sensitive antennae effortlessly capture everything that the average reader misses. It's evident that this is the case from the title of his treatise: Observations. After conducting long-term observations and studies, he has come to the fundamentally irrefutable position that Christianity is a historical religion in a dual sense. His claim was that it has a historical origin and must be understood and interpreted in relation to this context.

He arrived as an observer and concluded that studying sacred texts must be done in terms of their authenticity and reliability. «I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history, whatever, he once said.

Newton's religion was not restricted to just studying the Bible and writing commentary on its books or historical-ecclesiastical studies. The brilliant researcher consistently experienced the need to communicate more vividly and directly with the supreme being, asserting the significance of religion, which is the binding and reconnection of man to the divine, religare (religio). He accomplished this through prayer, whether it was privately or in churches. The great sage was confident in communicating with God, revealing his naked soul without hypocrisy or artificial religiosity. Bending his knees before the holy throne, he prayed, begged, praised, and gave thanks to God.

Newton breathed for the last time on March 20, 1727. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. An inscription on the funerary slab of Newton. in Latin reads, 'Here lies Isaac Newton. The tireless, ingenious, and faithful researcher of nature, history, and the Bible. His wisdom demonstrated the wonderful greatness of God, while his life displayed evangelical simplicity.