According to Albert Einstein, "everything in our universe is vibration." This includes the atoms in our bodies, the molecules and atoms in inanimate objects, thoughts, and sounds. All things in our universe are in constant motion, vibrating. Even the planet itself vibrates and resonates at its own frequency.

The human ear has a limited range for perceiving vibrations per second. In the field of sound science, the number of vibrations per second is referred to as "frequency" and is measured in Hz. The human ear can detect sounds within the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz).

At the core of Solfeggio frequencies is the belief that certain sounds within the range of 174 Hz to 963 Hz possess a vibrational signature that can have positive effects on our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

There are numerous recorded benefits associated with solfeggio frequencies. Listening to these frequencies has been linked to reduced body tension and pain. It can also help slow down the heart rhythm and induce relaxation in the autonomous nervous system and muscles.

  • The frequency of 174 Hz has the greatest impact on the physical body. This frequency is known to alleviate physical pain, relax muscles, and reduce tension, making it an excellent anti-stress sound.
  • At 285 Hz, this frequency has the ability to heal and restore tissues, promoting the healing of cuts, burns, and lacerations. It also aids in enhancing the immune system.
  • When it comes to emotional healing, the frequency of 396 Hz is particularly powerful. It helps address fear-based thinking, heal feelings of guilt and doubt, and transform grief into joy. In essence, it acts as a potent tool for combating depression.
  • The frequency of 417 Hz is effective in releasing trauma and negativity. It can help unblock traumatic life events, allowing repressed emotions to surface and enabling individuals to experience joy in life again. It is beneficial for those struggling with insomnia and works to transform shame and anger-based thinking.
  • Considered "the heartbeat of the earth," 432 Hz is often associated with Schumann resonance. It has anxiety-reducing properties and has been shown to lower blood pressure.
  • Referred to as "the love frequency" or "the miracle tone," 528 Hz is a frequency that enhances creativity, improves concentration, and has the ability to repair damaged DNA. It can also promote feelings of positivity and love.
  • At 639 Hz, this solfeggio frequency helps facilitate connections between opposites. It promotes a clear mind and assists in better expressing emotions.
  • The frequency of 741 Hz is known for eliminating toxins and negativity, both within oneself and in the environment. It aids in detoxifying the body from pollutants, including viruses, fungi, bacteria, and electromagnetic toxins.
  • Lastly, 852 Hz assists in awakening intuition. It helps individuals cut through illusions and see the reality of situations more clearly.
  • The frequency of 963 Hz is often referred to as "the God frequency" or "the miracle tone." This particular tone is believed to have the ability to awaken intuition and activate the pineal gland. By listening to this frequency, individuals may experience an enhancement in their intuition and a heightened sense of awareness.

Solfeggio frequencies and chakras

The chakras are known as the "seven spinning wheels of energy" in the body, extending from the bottom of the spine to the crown of the head. The chakras located in the lower part of our body represent our instinctual side, while the higher ones represent our mental side. The chakras can have various levels of activity. Solfeggio frequencies can be beneficial for unblocking these energy pathways.

  • The 396 Hz solfeggio frequency can help balance the root chakra. This frequency can help ease feelings of guilt and fear, giving you the power to reach your goals and helping us overcome the fear that often prevents us from going after what we want.

Muladhara, the root chakra, is associated with the adrenal cortex glands. It is the center of physical energy, grounding, and self-preservation. The root chakra governs the back, feet, hips, spine, and legs.

  • The 417 Hz solfeggio frequency relates to the sacral chakra. This frequency can help remove negative energy from the body and discourage damaging behavior patterns. It's useful for those struggling with trauma.

Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra, represents the center of water and sexuality connected to the reproductive glands. This chakra is about feelings and sexuality. When it is not open, you might be stiff and unemotional or not very open to people. If this chakra is overactive, you tend to be emotional all the time. You will feel emotionally attached to people and be very sexual.

  • The 528 Hz solfeggio frequency is related to the solar plexus chakra.

Manipura, the solar plexus chakra, is located just above the navel. This chakra, represented by the color yellow, is related to our power and determination. It is also the chakra of our ego. Music at this frequency helps us reconnect to who we are. It can also help us make decisions from a place of strength and mental clarity. - The 639 Hz frequency relates to the heart chakra. Helping to heal relationships, this frequency enhances communication, understanding, and tolerance to rebalance the heart chakra.

Anahata, the heart chakra, is associated with the circulatory system and thymus gland. It is the center of compassion, love, group consciousness, and spirituality. When your heart chakra is not active, you are cold and distant. If this chakra is overactive, you share love with the people around you.

  • 741 Hz is the 7th solfeggio frequency, relating to the throat chakra. Its function is to balance the body and mind, allowing us to live in harmony with ourselves and others. It balances emotions, bringing a sense of peace and wholeness to our lives.

Vishuddha, the throat chakra, is about self-expression and talking and is associated with the thyroid gland. When it flows, you may express yourself in a creative way. However, when this chakra is not active, you might be introverted or shy. On the other hand, if this chakra is overactive, you may have a tendency to speak too much.

  • 852 Hz is the 8th Solfeggio frequency and relates to the third-eye chakra. This frequency can help us look at our own behavioral patterns with clarity and compassion, enabling us to make better choices in life.

Ajna, the third-eye chakra, is associated with the autonomous nervous system and the pituitary gland. When it is open, we may acquire intuition and have a tendency to fantasize. If it's inactive, we might be easily confused.

  • The final frequency, 963 Hz, is related to the crown chakra. When the crown chakra is balanced, we experience a deep connection to ourselves and everything around us. This 963 Hz frequency can be used to bring forth ideas that may have existed in our subconscious mind, which fuels creative projects.

Sahastrara, the crown chakra, is associated with the central nervous system and the pineal gland. It is the center of enlightenment, dynamic thought, truth, and oneness. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced. However, if it is inactive, you may not be spiritually aware. If this chakra is overactive, you may tend to intellectualize things excessively. You may be addicted to spirituality while neglecting your bodily needs.

What's the difference between binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies?

Binaural beats are created by combining two different frequencies and are believed to alter brainwaves. Solfeggio frequencies are a series of specific single-tone frequencies that are believed to have healing properties.

How to operate solfeggio frequencies

Move to a quiet place away from any form of distraction—a place where you feel most welcome and free to express who you are. Find a comfortable spot to either lie down or sit, depending on your preference. Position yourself in a way that feels most comfortable to you. Select a suitable track to start with, and set the frequencies at a volume that you are comfortable with. Healing music is best enjoyed at a low to moderate volume, as it is meant for relaxation. Each person may have their own volume preference, so it is recommended to experiment and find the appropriate volume that works for you. Relax while listening. Healing music is particularly effective during meditation or when trying to maintain focus and relaxation, such as while reading or working on a computer. Solfeggio frequencies can be listened to at any time, including while asleep. However, it is important to avoid listening to the frequencies when engaged in tasks that require your full attention. You can listen to the music for a few minutes, a few hours, or even throughout the entire day. Regular listening to solfeggio frequencies is important to reap the benefits, although the noticeable effects may take a few months to manifest.

Music and healing, the pythagorean theory

The very first man known as "the father of music" was Pythagoras of Samos, Greece (ca. 580 B.C.E.). He was one of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers of all time. Apart from his many contributions in those fields, he is known in history as an accomplished musician. He played the kithara, an ancient form of the guitar, and often sang as he played. Recognizing the profound effect of music on the senses and emotions, Pythagoras did not hesitate to influence the mind and body with what he termed "musical medicine." Pythagoras showed a strong preference for stringed instruments, even warning his disciples against exposing their ears to the sounds of flutes or cymbals. He further declared that the soul could be purified from its irrational influences by solemn songs sung to the accompaniment of the lyre. While investigating the therapeutic value of harmonics, Pythagoras discovered that the seven modes, or keys, of the Greek system of music had the power to incite or alleviate various emotions.

Legend tells of an incident where Pythagoras observed a young man, intoxicated and consumed by jealousy, preparing to set fire to his mistress' house. The youth's frenzy was intensified by a flutist playing a tune in the stirring Phrygian mode nearby. Pythagoras convinced the musician to change to the slow and rhythmic Spondaic mode, causing the intoxicated youth to immediately calm down and return home peacefully with his bundles of wood. It is also known that Esculapius, the Greek physician, cured sciatica and other nerve diseases by blowing a loud trumpet in the presence of the patient.

Pythagoras treated numerous ailments of the spirit, soul, and body by having specially prepared musical compositions played in the presence of the sufferer or by personally reciting short selections from early poets such as Hesiod and Homer. In his university at Crotona, it was customary for the Pythagoreans to begin and end each day with songs—the morning songs aimed at clearing the mind from sleep and inspiring it for the day's activities, and the evening songs designed to soothe, relax, and induce rest. The therapeutic music of Pythagoras is described by Iamblichus (ca. 245–330), a preeminent Neoplatonist of his age, as follows: "And there are certain melodies devised as remedies against the passions of the soul, as well as against despondency and lamentation, which Pythagoras invented as things that afford the greatest assistance in these maladies.

He also employed other melodies against rage, anger, and all forms of mental aberration. There is yet another kind of modulation invented as a remedy against desires." From ancient times until today, we have learned so much about sound therapy that we can use a wide variety and modalities of music for healing. Having said that, I fully recommend listening to solfeggio frequencies daily in order to prevent or cure health issues.