The Soviet invasion of Ukraine with the Nazi question as a pretext or pretence for the Russians is not without precedence. The experience of past military events in the Balkan can shed light on developments.

Indeed, Russian President Vladimir Putin justified the invasion in Ukraine, claiming in television remarks that his offensive was intended to "denazify" the country.

"The purpose of this operation is to protect people who for eight years now have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime," he approximately said, "To this end, we will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation."

But Putin's claims were not the only ones to back the invasion. The Russian state services supported the accusation against the West for deliberately ignoring what they often called war crimes in Ukraine, claiming that their silence "encouraged the appearance of neo-Nazism and Russophobia. They added that Ukraine is home to ultra-nationalistic movements, including the Azov Battalion, which curiously joined the country's National Guard.

The Russians first targeted the «Banderites», a term used to describe supporters of the controversial Ukrainian nationalist leader Stepan Bandera. Not a simple reaction because they are also charged as neo-Nazis" fans of the use of heavy weapons against their opponents.

This is not the first time that accusations have been made since similar language was used in the Soviet Union. At that time, their opponents or "Banderites" were described as pro-Western Ukrainians linked with Nazism. But a more in-depth examination of events with similar stories from the Second World War may reveal the truth.

The Americans during WW2 had been gathering information during war ii through the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. The OSS also helped get information on the enemy, supported resistance groups and helped sabotage enemy assets. OSS lasted only three years, but it became the basis of the modern Central Intelligence Agency. (CIA was founded on September 18, 1947).

During the Second World War, relations between U.S. intelligence agencies and their British counterparts were often difficult to establish. The cooperative efforts of the Allied intelligence services and subversive warfare organizations found ground in their campaign in the Balkans but revealed difficult relations.

Anthony Eden The British Foreign Secretary was one of those who made intelligence-based choices and decisions. Historical evidence demonstrates its importance in his diplomatic endeavours, as evidenced by the Mussolini case. The intelligence helped Eden to recognize him as an enemy of Britain and to demand a reassessment of British policy concerning Italy but eventually caused Eden's resignation.

World War II ended in 1945, but in the summer of 1944, World War II had reached a turning point in Europe. Soviet military units had achieved a vital triumph against the Germans and Romanians, forcing the military situation in south-eastern Europe to drastically change in support of them. They started walking along the Balkans to help the Bulgarians get ready for the Aegean Sea.

Anthony Eden, during his visit to Quebec, Canada, after being informed of the Soviet goals, sent a telegram to the Foreign Office in London communicating his anxiety about the forthcoming events. He suggested that the UK government should first learn more about the situation in the Balkans and also suggested sending a message to Stalin. He proposed a message that would clearly indicate to Stalin that the United Kingdom would retain Greece under Western influence.

Eden travelled to Moscow for negotiations with the Soviet Union at the Tolstoy Conference under the name of "Fourth Moscow Conference". During this period from October 9 to 19, 1944, a series of meetings between Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin were organized. Churchill presented Stalin with a proposal on a piece of paper dividing post-war Europe into Western and Soviet spheres of influence. Churchill had called then a scrap of paper a "naughty document, which later came to be known as the "Percentages agreement with President of the United States Roosevelt merely later being aware of the Churchill agreement with Stalin. turning him not to be unconditionally supportive of the deal it is important also to say that the U.S. ambassador to the USSR representing President F.D. Roosevelt, Averell Harriman, was not present in these discussions. The way the British treated Americans, in this case, had raised many questions of trust and not only. (Watch the video closely).

But Stalin, on the other hand, did not stay inactive. He had developed excellent tools in the Balkans through Comintern an organization of national communist parties founded in 1919 by Vladimir Lenin in Moscow to promote revolution around the world. Comintern, also known as the Communist International or Third International, served as a Soviet control organ on the international communist movement.

Communism had expressed its interest in Balkan affairs in which the Macedonian question was the hottest. One of Comintern's most helpful tools for the Balkans was VMRO. The reason was that Comintern appreciated much the revolutionary goals of VMRO (although nationalist). The reason was the proximity of the VMRO objectives for the Balkans (out in warm waters) to theirs. But forced later VMTO to be controlled by the Bulgarian Communist Party. As a result, VMRO was transformed into a chess pawn by the Communist International. But VMRO has worked as a militant unit of the state with well-equipped bases which presents risks in Bulgaria's relations with neighboring countries.

Today, the VMRO's role is played by the Turkish political party AKP (Justice and Development) along with a far-right party. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Turkey has maintained a friendly approach to Moscow. This country has refused to impose sanctions against Russia and has preferred to develop a very close friendship with them on many hot issues. In pursuing its national interests, Turkey has cooperated with Moscow ignoring its Western allies’ opinions and signing huge economic and military projects. The role of Russia's closest ally switched from the Bulgarian VMRO to the Turkish AKP.

It, therefore, forces us to conclude that the Russians of today are perhaps using the same pretext or the same reason for the invasion of Ukraine as the Soviets in the past. But it is not easy to explain the link today because the processes behind these events are complex.

Finally, a warning should be issued. If Ukraine fails to get the Russians out of the country while the military-affected region in Ukraine is destroyed, then Jewish leadership around the world might face hostile actions. The fear is that the present Jews in power will probably face harsh criticism for having destroyed a Christian country. Who knows?