The East Mediterranean known for its frequent conflicts demands cooperation and coordination in various fields to solve the regional problem. This includes energy, security, trade, cultural exchange a geopolitical and economic alliance among countries in the region. Also, useful to address common challenges such as security threats, energy security, and advance cooperation, particularly in disaster management.

It is difficult to do so but it is necessary to achieve and promote stability, security, and prosperity in the region. Disaster management seems to be critical to the process of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or man-made disasters. The goal is to reduce the impact of disasters on communities and to ensure the safety and well-being of those affected.

But successful disaster management in the east Mediterranean depends strongly on the security of the region. The region is characterized by ongoing political tensions, the presence of regional powers and the questionable availability of many energy-rich resources. Among the tensions in the region, the Israel-Palestine conflict prevails. It is a long-standing and highly complex political and territorial dispute between the State of Israel and the Palestinians, which has its roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The conflict centers around the competing claims of Israelis and Palestinians to the same territory, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. The conflict has resulted in several wars and outbreaks of violence and has had a profound impact on the region and the world.

A solution is needed to the problem and a proposal must be made.

From the EU perspective, there is an ongoing dispute over access to natural resources in the eastern Mediterranean, particularly concerning energy reserves, such as oil and gas that must be tackled. There are also disputes over maritime boundaries and exclusive economic zones in the region, which have led to tensions between various countries in the region, including EU member states Greece and Cyprus. Thus, the EU has an interest in promoting stability and security in the East Mediterranean region, which is why it has invested in various initiatives aimed at promoting peace and dialogue between countries in the region.

Complicated situations need solutions forcing the Europeans to develop an effective response strategy for the region. The lack of response tools forced the policy and disaster management officials to develop disaster scenarios and thus take many ideas. These tools provided useful insights for the east Mediterranean but one disaster Management scenario revealed unprecedented situations and is worthwhile examining closely.

In the scenario, Participant countries and regions were Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, and Sinai. among the many questions posed was how hyphenation in the region will cooperate to deal with the disaster events and mainly manage the aftermath consequences.

In the scenario, everything Starts with Cyprus a member state of the European Union located in the Eastern Mediterranean. It was examined closely since the region’s conflicts may influence the union greatly. The Republic is closely connected with countries such as Syria and Lebanon to the east. Israel southeast and Egypt to the south. The island is divided into two parts, with the northern part being occupied by Turkey and the free southern part being an independent republic known as the Republic of Cyprus.

It is important to say that lately the relationship between Cyprus and Israel has improved, and the two countries have cooperated on a range of issues, including energy security, counterterrorism, and regional stability. The relationship between Cyprus and Israel is generally considered to be strong and cooperative, and the two countries continue to work together on a range of regional and global issues.

On the other hand, the relationship between Cyprus and the Palestinians is relatively limited, but there has been some cooperation between the two sides in recent years. Cyprus has been supportive of the Palestinian cause and has expressed its commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region. The government of Cyprus has also participated in international conferences and initiatives aimed at promoting peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians.

But a solution to the middle east problem from the EU perspective is needed. At least a cooperative or surveillance mechanism, is why a disaster scenario developed proposes the creation of a loose federation of Cyprus Israel and Palestine connected to the European Union.

For this to be realized a Palestinian exodus toward the Sinai Peninsula is organized. Their destination is a triangular peninsula located in the northeast region of Egypt and is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea The Sinai Peninsula is an important region for some reasons, including its strategic location at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe, and its rich history and cultural heritage. north, the Gaza Strip and Israel to the northeast, and the Red Sea to the south and east.

The scenario describes a mass displacement of Palestinians resembling the Nakba that occurred during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. While that displacement was caused by a combination of factors mainly violence, as a result of the conflict, the latest exodus is triggered by hope for the Palestinians to find a new home and better future. The New Palestinian Exodus will be a defining moment in history and will have not only a major impact on the region but on the European Union as well.

But the decision for the major displacement of Palestinians from Israel was not left alone. It was supported by the world powers with the European Union having the primary role. For the Palestinians to decide on the new exodus the European Commission approved the displacement as part of an extension of Cyprus to a federation including Israel and Palestine in their new land (Sinai Peninsula). As a result, Israel and Palestinians will become a limited part of the European Union gaining success in the European financial and political arsenal.

In this displacement, the role of some countries like Egypt was considered very important. Egypt has a very large population which is difficult o be accepted as a whole in the European Union. n. In another way, Egypt presents ideas possibly useful for the European Union. Many of the existing problems for the European Union may find an answer with the help of Egypt.

the small east Mediterranean (Cyprus-centered) federation but due to its advanced level of thinking is considered a very promising partner for the European Union.

The United States in the scenario starts working closely with Egypt in security matters of the region. The two countries have a long history of cooperation, particularly in areas such as counterterrorism and regional stability but under the latest evolution Egypt become a principal security partner of the Region. Also, the two countries start working together on several regional issues, such as the new Israeli-Palestinian environment.

Also, Lebanon a country located in the eastern Mediterranean region though promising must activate those national elements in the country that can give a boost to the country's status. However, the EU has also expressed concerns about the political and security situation in Lebanon, including the country's fragile political stability and the growing influence of Hezbollah, a political and military organization that the EU considers to be a terrorist group.

The European Union (EU) has a complex relationship with Lebanon. a country located in the eastern Mediterranean region. In recent years, the EU has also been involved in efforts to support Lebanon's economy, which has been struggling due to a range of factors, including high levels of debt, inflation, and unemployment.

The meaning of a loose federation is explained better within the disaster scenario. After the loose federation of member Cyprus was accepted by the European Union the linked countries that are Israel and new Palestine were partially accepted from the union. That means they are in the process of following the European legislation as much as they can having partial access to the European mechanisms and permitting high-level interaction with European agencies and bodies. Both members of the loose federation keep their governmental status intact and follow closely their national social and historical particularities.

The logic behind Europe's support and approval is that better cooperation is needed to avoid the consequences of regional disasters hitting the neighborhood region such as the Mediterranean.

European moto. Let’s face disasters together