Peace is a desire of humanity, even war is the search for peace along the wrong path. Peace depends on special energy. The discovery of this special energy will be presented in this paper. The interconnection of all the systems and beings of the universe leads us to the analysis of peace from the ontological and epistemological foundations. The analysis and understanding of peace is the first step to solve the crisis of humanity. And the hierarchy of the foundations of the universal order gives us the clue to achieve the desired world peace.

Peace from the universal essence

Peace is related to the universal essence. The universal essence is the inseparability of energy and matter. In the interaction of energy and matter, two states arise for the human being: peace and war. Peace reflects a stable state and war reflects an unstable state. Stability depends on strong cohesive energy and instability depends on weak cohesive energy. Therefore, on the ontological plane, war reflects the instability of the system. And peace reflects the stability of the system. In both states, war and peace depend on energy.

Strong energy generates peace and weak energy generates war. The weak energy does not keep the cohesion of the system giving rise to instability. And the instability of the system gives rise to war.

Peace from the principle of inseparability

According to the principle of inseparability, energy and matter are inseparable. This principle is reflected at the individual level in the inseparability of mind and body. At the level of society, it is reflected in the inseparability of politics and the national state. At the level of humanity, it is reflected in the inseparability of the philosophical system and the Universal State of the Earth. The three levels of the organization are inseparable systems of matter and energy. At the three levels of the organization, the respective stability depends on strong energy and instability depends on weak energy. At the level of the person, his conflicts are caused by his weak mental energy. At the level of society, social conflicts are generated by the weak energy of its social values. At the level of humanity, global conflicts are also caused by the weak energy of social values. Values ​​are a special form of energy.

Peace from the conservation principle

According to the universal essence, energy is conserved by integrating itself into matter. When energy is integrated into matter, it forms a system. This system can be stable or unstable. The unstable system depends on weak energy and the stable system depends on strong energy. According to the conservation principle, only stable systems are conserved, therefore strong energy is conserved in stable systems. In the human being, at the three levels of organization, strong energy must prevail to preserve stability. At the level of the person, a strong mind is needed. At the societal level, a strong or consistent political system is needed. At the level of humanity, a strong philosophical system is required. The strength depends on the energy, each organization system has its corresponding energy. In the person, energy is determined by strong ideas, strong ideas are based on truth. At the level of society, a political system is based on a philosophical system. At the level of humanity, a philosophical system is based on universal truths. Universal truths have their ontological basis in the principles and laws of the universe. Thus, peace does not depend on the will of the human being, nor does it depend on good intentions, peace depends on the truth. And the truth depends on the principles and laws of the universe.

Peace from the beginning of destruction

According to the universal essence, energy and matter are inseparable. This inseparability consists of mutual dependence and interaction or mutual transformation. Energy tends to be conserved and matter tends to be destroyed. Matter is a system of organization, it has structure, while energy lacks structure. Only organizational systems can disintegrate. Thus, the principle of destruction is inherent in all structural systems or organizational systems. There are stable systems and unstable systems. Unstable systems are due to weak cohesive energy. And stable systems are due to strong cohesive energy. The weakness of the cohesive energy generates instability, and instability generates war. A world war reflects the weakness of the values ​​of humanity. Values ​​are special forms of energy corresponding to the human being. The absence of universal values ​​generates a crisis for humanity.

Peace from the law of dependency

Peace depends on the stability of the system; stability depends on the symmetry between energy and matter. In humanity, symmetry depends on the balance of the Universal State of the Earth with its universal philosophical system. The balance between energy and matter determines temporal stability. For stability to be lasting, the energy must be greater than the system. The superiority of the energy determines the development of the system. The development of the system determines its durability over time. Therefore, the universal philosophical system must reflect the order of the universe based on its universal principles and laws. Thus, lasting peace depends on the integration of humanity into the universal order.

Peace from the law of interaction

According to the universal essence, energy and matter are in continuous interaction. This interaction consists of the mutual transformation of energy to matter and of matter to energy. In humanity, the universal philosophical system as a form of energy must be transformed into the universal consciousness of every citizen of the Earth. This transformation is the materialization of energy. Humanity with universal consciousness is the support of the Universal State of the Earth. This indicates that the Universal State of the Earth is unsustainable without the universal consciousness of humanity. Thus, the Universal State of the Earth is the materialization of the universal philosophical system.

Peace from the law of integration

In nature, systems are integrated forming levels of integration. These levels of integration in the human being are the person, society and humanity. The levels of organization reflect a universal order. This universal order is determined by universal laws and principles. These universal principles and laws determine the law of the descending hierarchy of energy. According to the law of the descending hierarchy of energy, the systems are arranged in descending order. Instead, the formation of systems is bottom-up. First, the biological being is formed, then it is integrated into society. Society is integrated into humanity, and humanity is integrated into the universe through the conception of the world. Thus, the stability of the individual depends on his integration into society. The stability of society depends on its integration with humanity. The stability of humanity depends on integration into the universe. The human being is integrated into the universe through the conception of the world. A conception of the world based on principles and laws constitutes a philosophical system. A philosophical system gives birth to a political system, the political system keeps humanity or nations integrated. Stability is the basis of peace; the maximum stability of humanity is integration into the universe through the conception of the world. The formation of the conception of the world is the result of education. Thus, education is a means to achieve peace for humanity.

Peace from the law of disintegration

Every disconnection is a disintegration. In all disintegration, conflicts arise. When the individual is disconnected from society, he experiences personal conflicts. When society is disconnected from humanity, it experiences social conflicts. When humanity is disconnected from the universe, it experiences global conflicts. By the law of the descending hierarchy of energy, global conflicts influence social conflicts and social conflicts influence personal conflicts. Therefore, for the lasting peace of humanity, integration into the universe is necessary, because the stability of societies and people depend on the stability of humanity.

Peace from the law of timelessness

Humanity has survived to the present thanks to its integration into the universe through the conception of the world. The conception of the world represents the energy of integration. This energy of integration is represented in universal values. Universal values form the universal consciousness of every human being. Universal values materialize in the universal conscience through education from generation to generation. All forms of energy, such as universal values, universal truths, and conceptions of the world materialize in the formation of the universal consciousness. The formation of the universal consciousness is the way of the timelessness of energy and is the reason for the conservation of humanity over time. On the other hand, systems as material supports can be renewed or replaced, it is part of the temporality of matter.

Peace from the law of temporality

Energy is integrated into matter to conserve itself. Matter is a temporary support for energy. Due to the principle of destruction, matter tends to disintegrate. The disintegration of matter involves the release of energy. In the human being, disintegration due to conflicts determines the release of energy in the form of ideas, in the form of thoughts, oriented towards conservation. The search for conservation generates the search for universal truth, the search for the foundations to integrate into a stable and superior order. Thus, the temporality of matter generates the timelessness of energy. The timelessness of energy is reflected in the human being in the search for lasting peace.


  1. World peace depends on the integration of humanity into the universe.
  2. Social peace depends on the integration of society to humanity.
  3. Personal peace depends on the integration of the human being to society, humanity, and the universe.
  4. Peace depends on the stability of the system. The stability of the system depends on strong energy. Strong energy is the universal values.
  5. Universal truth and reason are the strong energy of humanity.
  6. Universal values are the strong energy for society.
  7. Social values are the strong energy of each person.
  8. According to the law of the descending hierarchy of energy, universal values must be cultivated to keep the world, social and individual peace.