2020 has been the hardest year for many. Filled with anxiety and uncertainty, this year has put a lot of us on the edge. With financial fears, relationship triggers, health scares, job uncertainty, the physical and mental demands have been overwhelming.

The question is, what can help us not only survive, rather thrive in these kinds of crisis? While we cannot control what happens to us, but we can surely control how it affects us. Instead of letting negative thoughts bring you down, there is a simple yet powerful way, in which you change your state of mind and well-being. Usually within seconds!!

According to scientists, we have close to 60,000 to 90,000 thoughts a day and most are habitually negative. What we don't realize is, the same thoughts will give us the same results! Every thought we think, and every word we speak is an affirmation.

Every complaint is also an affirmation. When you feel like you are a victim, and think of what is wrong with your life, you are affirming that too. Negative affirmations will give create more negative experiences in your life. People often say, “I don’t want this relationship”, or “I hate my boss”, or “I don’t have enough money” or “my life is a mess”. Here, the focus is usually on what is wrong rather than what is right in our life.

Imagine what could become possible if you could change your thoughts? As Louise Hay says in her book You Can Heal Your Life, if you want good things to happen, you need to change the way you think and speak.

Daily positive affirmations are a wonderful practice, of consciously making definite positive statements to create something in our life. When we start doing affirmations, we begin to create more of what we really want. Powerful daily affirmations are like planting a seed in the soil of your mind. What you sow is what you grow! When you plan the right seed, and nurture it consciously, and do that day after day you see amazing results. So here is what you need to do. For the next 21 days, look at yourself in the mirror every day, and say these affirmations. Say them out aloud. Feel them. Believe in them. And then allow the magic to happen.

  • I easily choose thoughts that nourish me
  • All my life experiences are perfect for me
  • I look forward to the adventures of the day knowing that only good lies before me
  • I learn to relax and enjoy my life
  • I let go of all fear and doubt and life becomes simple and easy for me
  • I have unlimited potential
  • I express myself with ease and confidence
  • I am healthy and my body knows how to heal
  • I begin each moment and each day with loads of gratitude and joy
  • I enjoy each moment knowing that it is a precious gift
  • I fill up my life with love and positivity
  • I trust life and I am safe
  • I rejoice in the ever-changing rhythm of my life
  • I love myself
  • I approve of myself just the way I am
  • I am doing the best that I can and I am learning and growing each day
  • Today is a wonderful day and I choose to make it so
  • All is well in my world

Feel the shift as you say these affirmations, and carry this powerful feeling all through the day. Because remember, it’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.