Cut umbilical cords and take responsibility for your life. To be mature humans, we must accept the parents/childhood we had, through which we are connected to the mystery of Life. Parents give, children receive. Whoever does not know how to receive from life, has not yet managed to appease himself enough to, despite what has been hurt, receive his/her parents in their hearts. This is what it means to accept our parents as they were /are. And leave them with responsibility for their actions and destiny. When they are in our hearts, with genuine gratitude for the Life they gave us - at the price they paid for having giving it to us, and the price it cost us to receive it - we can also genuinely enter theirs. And so, each generation, firmly nourished by the nectar of Love-Life that runs amongst them in its proper order, can free themselves to live their individual destiny to the fullest. Receiving the gift of life for free, we can choose not to receive what is toxic and pass that same Love on to the next generation, leaving us with the responsibility for ourselves. Love sets you free.

Fulfil your destiny with the added joy of knowing that it is the best way to honour your ancestors, to whom you belong as colourful matryoshkas embedded in love.

Meet the Goddesses that inhabit you, love them and learn to activate them when necessary. For example, activate your beloved Aphrodite Venus when you need to connect more to your body, to heal your sexuality or to expand your self-love. Activate your inner wise Athena when you need focus and commitment with your goals. Calling in your warrioress Artemis when you need the fierceness to break, rebirth or become more independent. Or your compassionate Vesta when developing/deepening your spiritual, psychological life.

Be the priority of your life. Guilt is resistance (most of the time), and deferring your life is self-loathing.

Transform helplessness into confidence in Life's plans for you. Reach out for help when needed. No one is an island and we only evolve with teachers, mentors, support.

Grow from girl to woman = stop being a people pleaser and allow yourself the power to be the one you were born to radiate.

Evolve from woman to queen: integrate the mastery of your feminine and masculine energies.

Understand and Be the beautiful power of the Conscious Feminine. Use your masculine energy to build your soul`s project. Not to control men, manipulate circumstances or carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Do not be your man's mother (or therapist); it only produces pain, disappointment, co-dependence and suffering. Heal the millenary split between the saint and the prostitute, in your bodysoul.

Wear underwear and sleepwear, as if everyone sees you. (Ab)use of essential oils; soften your lips, your hair, your feet. The key to your heart only opens from the inside out, so you must nurture self-sweetness, softness, from the soul. It is the only way, you can really feel abundant in love, and you can really allow yourself to open to receive the gifts and good of the world.

Use also dresses, skirts, fabrics that love your skin and colours that expand your vibration. Preserve your mystery. Don't tell too much. Don't show everything at the same time. Surprise yourself.

Dance, sing, breathe consciously; smile more, nurturing contentment in the heart. Eat with shameless pleasure, be reverent with Sacred Life, share your inspirational intuitions and start your sentences with: I Feel...

Be generous, learn always and stay permanently pregnant with dreams, states of soul, projects.

Always have fresh flowers at home; know how to use perfumes, incenses and smokers that are right for you, and for each specific desire.

Finally, find out what makeup, colours and haircut are perfect for you, and stay faithful to them. There is time to experiment, to make mistakes, but once you know, there are no excuses.

Stay only with friends who do not run away in sadness and in success stay with you to celebrate and encourage.

Dedicate daily time alone with yourSelf. Don't "need" the other; just enrich each other. Delight yourself in your unique sense of being.

Do not believe those who only speak ill of the shadow. God-Goddess also dwells in there. Escape the perfectionist idealisms that rape the soul. We are humans, not robots.

Know that happiness is over rated (and too idealized) in our changing civilization. Many times, it is enough a fresh Cipriani Bellini watching a sea sunset, spring water in a forest bath, or a beautiful book with a chocolate praline bonbon.

This and so much more!... Stay blissful, keep inspired.