Edward Hopper House Museum & Study Center is pleased to announce a multimedia installation featuring Holly Zausner’s 2015 film, Unsettled Matter and a series of photographs by Mott Hupfel.

By radically re-configuring the exhibition space at the museum, we invite viewers to immerse themselves in Zausner’s portrait of a place with, “no people, no cars, just me walking, sometimes running through an empty city” where, she says, “something has gone wrong in the world—but what, exactly?” Zausner’s solitary figure passes furtively through the environment in much the same way Hopper’s secretive city dwellers lurk in the shadows of bridges, windows and doorways. For the creation of this film, Zausner returned frequently to New York from Berlin to collaborate with feature film cinematographer, Mott Hupfel, known for his work on The Savages, The American Astronaut and The Cobbler.

Hupfel states that he returns again and again to Hopper’s work for inspiration and often for explication when trying to elucidate an idea or a mood. Noting that Hopper was a consummate student of light, having said, “I was more interested in the sunlight on the buildings and on the figures than any symbolism,” Hupfel's study of light is the nexus of his growing series of images. Just as Hopper’s characters seem caught in a moment that serve as a provocation for the viewer to complete the narrative, Hupfel has said he likes to think of the images in this series “as the nuclei for, or maybe the aftermath of a scene I might create for a film” with “some element of human existence, if not a human itself, that I hope will trigger questions in the viewer’s mind about what might happen – or what has happened – there.”