Transmission Gallery presents work chosen from among the many artist instructors teaching at The Crucible and Kala Art Institute.

"Selections from The Crucible, Selections from Kala" features work by Jennifer Cole, Phoebe Deutsch, Lancelot S. Fraser, Emily Gui, Ruben Guzman, ​Golbanou Mogghadas, Janice Peacock, Mary Catherine Richardson, Sam Schumacher and Kazuko Watanabe. The range of work and art practice evident in the exhibition provide just a glimpse of the wealth of experience and talent of the faculty at these two institutions. Both offer an expansive array of classes and workshops open to beginners and established artists alike.

Located not far from Transmission, The Crucible is the largest nonprofit industrial arts school in the country with nineteen art departments, including Blacksmithing, Ceramics, Glass Blowing, and more.

​Also nearby, Kala Art Institute focuses on printmaking, digital arts and new media, providing access to professional facilities and supporting artists in sustaining their creative work over time through its Artist-in-Residence and Fellowship Programs.