In recent decades in Mexico, we have found an interest in models of artistic practice that seek to nurture their contents and design their dynamics and languages from group creative processes.

Aesthetic evidences which traditionally protagonize a work of art, are here subordinated to an affective and a political articulation process of a group experience: a dense network of internal run-ins and intersubjective presentations working as the expressive framework of the piece. More than referring to the social or to represent it, this model of practice produces a novel experience of creative alliance and public consensus.

For this reason, the interest in gathering 3 artistic projects conceived and carried out independently in a neighborhood in Mexico City. Each was produced within the same curatorial model framework, that of inSite/Casa Gallina. In each work, the process led by an artist seeks to build meaningful experiences, whose subtlety and intensity come from their artistic effectiveness. Each one of these creative processes, medium or long term, obeyed to the specific organicity and the internal dynamics of the groups convened by each author. This intense dialogue determined the rhythms, the themes, as well as the nature of the social and human experience embodied by each piece.