The Amazon is a vast area that covers territory in nine different countries in South America, and while most people will normally associate Peru with the amazing Inca sites in the country, the Peruvian Amazon actually occupies over sixty per cent of the country's territory. There are some amazing things to do in the region, many of which are included in the video below, and a trip to this part of the country definitely offers a completely different perspective on Peru. The activities in the area will all focus on the wonderful biodiversity and the natural wonder of this stunning area, and the best ways to see them for visitors exploring the Amazon.

River Cruises On The Amazon

This is a great way to experience the Amazon as it takes you to the heart of life in the region, namely the rivers that run through the area, which all eventually feed into the great Amazon river itself. Traveling by water gives you a much better look at the wildlife on the river banks, and also the rivers themselves are teeming with species such as otters, fish and birds that are all found in and around the river. Taking a river cruise with a guide also offers you a great chance to see some of the species that you may not be able to see on foot, and with an expert guide this certainly gives you a chance to see these animals, or if you're very quick to capture them on camera.

Explore The Canopy Walkway

The life that you can see from ground level in the Amazon is very different to that which can be seen around the rooftops, and one of the most interesting activities you can enjoy in the Peruvian Amazon is to explore the canopy walkway. This does involve climbing up above the tree line in order to get a good view of the tops of the trees, which offers an amazing perspective on the forest. This also reveals some of the wildlife that you wouldn't see at ground level, and the number of species of birds and tree dwelling animals that you can spot from the walkway is remarkable.

Guided Walks

Although there are relatively few tame areas in the Amazon, many of the lodges in the region will maintain several paths in the forest to allow people to get a look at the forest too. Having a guide is very useful as they will firstly be able to help identify any dangerous species that you encounter, but will also be able to offer a much greater context on the animals that you do spot. As the animals of the Amazon are also quite cautious of humans, they will often be able to spot them in the trees or see the signs of the passing of certain species, to help you see a lot more of the forest that may not be obvious to the layman.

Animal Spotting In The Amazon

It is the wildlife that will draw most people to the Peruvian Amazon, and there are some remarkable species that you will often be able to see during your visit. One of the most interesting is the 'stinkbird', or the hoatzin to give it the correct name, which is a bird that is known for not having any natural predators, due to the strong odor of manure which it expels, while the giant otter is another animal that can sometimes be spotted. Large cats such as jaguars and cougars are also present in the forest, but are very elusive and are rarely spotted by visitors.