Susan Jørgensen was born in the Midwest and graduated from Dennison University in Granville, Ohio. Her Midwestern woodland upbringing, the environmental emphasis throughout her education, and her devoted employment with the Environmental Protection Agency during its formative years, have contributed to an ever passionate respect for the land and its denizens. She has always been most at home in nature; its expanse, its variances, its mysteries and its awe-inspiring beauty. This will be the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of her work to date.

Jørgensen as an extraordinary eye. No matter the subject at hand, her final products come as close to paintings as is possible. Recognition of natural cycles and interrelationships is present always. Bones, feathers, snakeskins, found objects, branches, and nests are staples for her. In this exhibition, she will also introduce hand-made one-of-a-kind primitive dolls collected by her partner, Alice Gillarroo. These images have never been seen before and we were successful in asking her to share some of these historically significant creations with the public.

As with many fine photographers, Susan Jørgensen enjoys working in series so as to investigate each and every aspect of the subject at hand. Light and shadows, textures, colorations, and size all play important roles. She exudes a oneness with nature and her photographs display a range of emotions that cover the gamut from inceptions to maturation and then to death. They are like poems without words.