rosenfeld porcini

rosenfeld porcini

Founded in 2011, rosenfeld porcini occupies a prime location in the heart of the dynamic gallery district of London’s Fitzrovia.
London, United Kingdom
Founded in

Past events



Loud. Courtesy of Rosenfeld porcini
The Figure in Contemporary Art. Courtesy of Rosenfeld Porcini
Lanfranco Quadrio & Ruozhe Xue, Exhibition view. Courtesy of Rosenfeld porcini
Barcilon, 2015, pure pigments and varnish on wood, 153x200cm. Detail
Marianna Gioka, Untitled, 2015
Enrique Brinkmann, asunto impreciso, 2014, ink on paper, 119 x 159 cm
Cesare Lucchini, the day of memory, 2013, oil on canvas, 194 x 228 cm
Nicola Samorì, Inconnum, 2011, wax, pigment and gesso, 49 x 40 x 23 cm
Bongsu Park, CELL, 2014, three channels HD video, 2'40'', Editions of 3, 2 AP
Mehran Elminia, The Way, 2012, mixed media on canvas, 120 x 180 cm
Emmanuel Barcilon, untitled, 2013, pure pigments, varnish, wood, 30 x 30 cm
Ferrau Fenzoni (1562-1645), Christ Nailed to the Cross, Oil on canvas, 106 x 145 cm
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