Mariella Busi De Logu
Joined Meer in January 2013
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Mariella Busi De Logu

I was born in Cesena on 13 September 1941. I live and work in Ravenna. And that is no small thing. I taught History of Art at the Liceo Classico ‘Dante Alighieri’ and Painting Disciplines at the Liceo Artistico ‘Piero Luigi Nervi’. Since 2012 I have been an author for Wall Street International Magazine now Meer.

I have traversed the different disciplines of visual art, creating performances and events, pictorial and sculptural works and manuscripts with a consciousness turned to the ecology of art,’... that is, how art can inscribe itself in a logic of the oikos, of the home, in the sense of a place of life... where you feel safe, in a state of emotional, affective, intellectual tranquillity...’ ( Roberto Barbanti).

I have long studied the history of women and from an opaque place I have unearthed great figures of the past. Among many, I remember my travelling companion Hildegard of Bingen, the Wise Woman of the Middle Ages, and Giuliana Anicia, great-granddaughter of Galla Placidia, who in the 6th century embellished the city of Constantinople and had the first illuminated codex of medicinal herbs made.

I have collaborated on the following art magazines: Stilo, Lucrezia Borgia, Harta Performing, Numero zero, Percorsi di navigazione, L'arte e la politica For Edizioni R.L. Stamperia d'arte, Ravenna, 1990, I published the art book ‘Pesce fuor d'acqua’ edited by Marisa Vescovo. With Maurizio Bonora I produced the art book Il taccuino di Esculapio, Tipografia Artigiana, Ferrara,1993; for the volume Arte immateriale Arte vivente edited by Roberto Barbanti, Essegi editions,1992, I wrote the text Per necessità il caso. In 2011 I published RAVENNA ravenna and nero scarlatto for Edizioni dell'Altritalia.

There have been and are many solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad. I am making a detailed list of them to remind you of the road I have travelled, perhaps going round in circles and often positioning myself to the side because I have always looked for places that enter into an intimate relationship with my work. This is how, for example, the exhibitions at the Classense Library in Ravenna and at the Malatestiana Library in Cesena where one of the most beautiful classrooms of the entire Renaissance is located. I cannot stand openings and galleries with anonymous spaces. In addition to exhibitions with paintings where writing becomes ‘visual’ and installations, I have been creating relationships with artists for a long time. We work on a project of mine and, having abandoned the different disciplines, we go our separate ways in art, making the places of absence fertile again.

Now I mention in the form of a CV, surely skipping a few events, my 40 years in the field of art. In the stories I often narrate the meaning, origins and reasons.

  • 1983 Multipurpose Hall of the Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Ferrara /Lincoln Center Library, New York

  • 1984 Librellula bookstore, Bologna

  • 84/86 I collaborate with the art magazine Stilo, I follow the paths of writing and I collect with the collaboration of Mirta Ghinassi these ideograms in two books: Io, siamo molti persone and Voglio un tempo senza esiti, published by Cooperativa Libera Stampa

  • 1988 Calendarium, Classense Library, Ravenna presentation by Flavio Caroli / I publish the art magazine Lucrezia Borgia / Confluenza, 400WB Gallery, Ravenna

  • 1990 For the editions R.L. Stamperia d'arte of Ravenna I publish the book Pesce fuor d'acqua, edited by Marisa Vescovo / XI Rassegna Nazionale d'arte contemporanea con il patrocinato della Regione Sicilia, Catania, edited by Marisa Vescovo / Le cose che accadono, Circolo della Stampa, Bologna / Tre Scudi, Galleria di via Fabro, Turin

  • 1991 Vero Simile, with the patronage of the Veneto Region, Spinea VE / Studio K Gallerie, Dusseldorf

  • 1992 Manufatto, travelling exhibition, Turin, Foggia, Bologna,Milan, Florence / Ubiqua Gallery Paris / contributor to the art and politics magazine Percorsi di navigazione / Porta luna, Galleria di via Fabro, Turin / Trame, percorsi, linguaggi in mostra, Arti visive, Foggia / V Biennale Internazionale di Sansepolcro

  • 1993 I publish with Maurizio Bonora the book Il taccuino di Esculapio / Galleria di via Fabro, Turin / Poetae, Laboratorio arti visive, Foggia / A come arte, Galleria ex Pescheria, Cesena

  • 1994 Pubblico il testo Per necessità il caso, in Arte Immateriale arte vivente, edited by R. Barbanti, ed. Essegi, Ravenna / Il luogo degli dei, festival Internazionale InterAzioni 7, Cagliari / Contemporanea-Mente, Galleria Avida Dollars, Milan / VI Biennale Internazionale di Sansepolcro

  • 1995 Le parole son tutte qui, S. Maria delle Croci, Ravenna

  • 1996 Collaboration with the art magazine Harta Performing, Milan / Publication of the art book Laeta Scientia / Contemporanea-Mente, Galleria Avida Dollars, Milan

  • 1997 Iniziofinemillennio, installation action, Coyolxaunqui, Verona

  • 1998 Collaboration with the art magazine Harta Performing, Milan / La settimana del sale, installation, Cervia RA / Fioriture su carta, Villa Savorelli, Sutri VT

  • 1999 Artists beyond craft, Magazzini del Sale, Cervia RA

  • 2000 La rosa & la mandragora, Villa Savorelli, Sutri VT

  • 2001 Contemporanea-Mente, Avida Dollars gallery, Milan / Collaboration on art magazine number zero

  • 2002 Conversation with Hildegard von Bingen, Andora SV

  • 2003 Gli acquerelli della Regina, Andora SV / Homage to Lucrezia Borgia, event, Ferrara / Sguardi incrociati, ex Cementificio SICLI, Gambettola FC / L'Era della Colomba, Boscolo Hotel Palace, Rome

  • 2004 Il pettirosso, la rosa, Galleria del Museo del Senio, Alfonsine RA

  • 2009 Le visitatrici, Abbazia Benedettina di San Martino delle Scale, Palermo

  • 2011 nero scarlatto, Manica Lunga della Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna public the art book ‘Ravenna ravenna’ and the notebook ‘nero scarlatto’ edizioni Dell'Altritalia

  • 2012 ‘La rosa di Ildegarda di Bingen’ Rovereto, Palazzo Alberti Poja within the Festival ‘A Seminar la Buona Pianta’ /‘Giuliana Anicia è qui?’ event realised on the beach of Marina Romea (RA) within the Festival ‘Donne verso il mare aperto’ (Women towards the open sea)

  • ‘Trees were Gods’ event realised in the burnt pinewood of Lido di Dante (RA)

  • Since 2012 she has been collaborating with the online magazine Wall Street International Magazine for the sections Art, Culture and Politics /At the Festival ‘A seminar la buona pianta’ personal exhibition ‘Il giardino di Ildegarda’, palazzo Fogazzaro Schio 28 June - 28 September

  • 2013 ‘Splendour and Darkness’ event realised in the valley of Marina Romea (RA) within the Festival ‘Women towards the open sea’.

  • 2014 ‘Verosimile “installation, action, Magazzini del Sale, Cervia (RA) /”Le vie dell'anima’ Mama's Club, Ravenna

  • 2014 ‘Le vie dell'anima’ the artistic work of Mariella Busi De Logu through images, words, sounds

  • 2015 ‘Come quel fiume... che si chiama Acquacheta’ (Like that river... called Acquacheta) event within the ‘Ravenna Festival’.

  • 2016 presentation of the video ‘Come quel fiume ...che si chiama Acquacheta’, Ravenna

  • 7 October 2016 ‘Il Dritto e il Rovescio’ Personal exhibition Aula Piana of the Malatesta Library. Cesena

  • 2016, 25 November ‘Concert with several bodies’ Mama's Club, Ravenna

  • 2017, 4 March, replica of the event ‘Concerto a più corpi’, Mama's Club, Ravenna

  • 2017, 24th November, ‘Exemplary lives’, Mama's Club, Ravenna

2022, L'eleganza dell'essere distesi, Biennale di Mosaico Contemporaneo, Ravenna

  • 2023, La fiumana e la lumaca, Biennale di Mosaico Contemporaneo, Ravenna

  • 2023, The Work in Black, Biennale of Contemporary Mosaic, Ravenna

Written by: Roberto Barbanti Letizia Bolognesi Flavio Caroli Donatella Franchi Donatino Domini Marina Mannucci Maria Luisa Mariani Angelo Noce Walter Pretolani Marisa Vescovo Giovanni Zaccherini

Articles by Mariella Busi De Logu

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