James  Broadhurst
Joined Meer in March 2023
James Broadhurst

James Broadhurst is a writer, journalist and broadcaster from Perth, Western Australia. After a stint working in the food and wine industry for one of Perth’s most prestigious hospitality brands, it was time for a change. The time was right to return to journalism and James was accepted into one of Australia’s most highly regarded post-graduate broadcasting courses run by Edith Cowan University and the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts. Before the completion of the course, James found work in television and radio as a reporter and producer. These positions have provided a foundation to build upon while refining his craft and storytelling style while finding his voice as a writer, journalist and presenter.

When the course wrapped up, James received a number of awards including the Paul Lockyer Memorial Prize. The Paul Lockyer Memorial Prize is a paid internship with Australia’s national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation at their network headquarters in Sydney. Spending four months abroad immersed in news and current affairs at the ABC provided a unique opportunity to explore broadcast news for television and radio in a way few graduate journalists have access to. Working as a producer with the continuous news team James spent time writing and editing content for the national news agenda and assisting with coverage for national politics, foreign affairs and everything else in between. The experience cemented his passion and commitment to share real stories, from real people in an honest, engaging and genuine way. James takes a lot of pride in providing balanced, fair and accurate information to allow others to make informed decisions and opinions of the world around them.

James is excited by what the future holds for broadcast journalism as different technology and innovations are changing the way stories are crafted, shared and consumed. In a world of fast paced news cycles, news avoidance and misinformation there are opportunities to deliver considered, thoughtful and meaningful stories, which will stand the test of time. James hopes he can contribute to conversations and give audiences perspectives to consider while helping them make sense of what is happening around them. His life experience and insatiable curiosity of how and why things work drive him to keep an open mind and continue to explore new ideas, new topics and meet people from diverse backgrounds.

James never wanted to be a writer, but when he discovered the power written and spoken words could have on others through telling their stories he was hooked. James’ journalism career started in music, another passion of his, and it allowed access to some great places to rub shoulders with artists and producers he admired greatly. Sharing in their successes and creative processes to showcase their art. Before long James was published in his home town, Perth, internationally, London, and appointed as Editor for a locally managed dance music website.

Seeking further opportunities to grow his career further an overseas adventure was in order. James was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel the world. Driving an R-V coast to coast in America, living and working for two years in the United Kingdom and spending three months winding his way back to London from the eastern-most parts of Europe. The adventure developed resilience, resourcefulness and, over time, the sense we are all connected through shared experiences. James believes we are connected, not through physical or tangible means, but through our stories, our narratives and our truths.

Having an opportunity to tell these stories, narratives, tales or truths is a privilege James doesn’t take lightly. What James values most is the opportunity to help others make sense of the world around them. Most of the stories he writes - he writes for himself, but always with others in mind.

Articles by James Broadhurst

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