Milie  Fiirgaard
Joined Meer in September 2022
Milie Fiirgaard

Milie Fiirgaard was born in Copenhagen, but raised in the quaint town of Holstebro, Denmark – far from the capital and far from anything remotely international.

With a hunger for knowledge and adventure, instilled in her partly by her father and his endless stories and partly by the wonders of social media, Milie has followed her heart across borders from a young age to experience life from different perspectives. Once she got the opportunity, she moved to South Korea to work, taking time to learn as much of the language and culture as possible.

She returned to Copenhagen at the age of 21, feeling clear-headed and energized; ready to take on a BA in English Literature and Linguistics at Copenhagen University. Here, she gained an interest in the way that language impacts culture – whether we think as we speak or speak as we think might be a bit of a ‘chicken or the egg’ sort of question; but nonetheless, it is endlessly fascinating to think about.

Milie has always been a very creative person. Since middle school, where she would write long, 20-page “short stories” for her teachers’ 2-page assignments, she has always known that she wanted to do something related to writing.

During her MA in Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University (UK), she really got to flex these creative muscles and participated in developing, designing and editing the anthology “Imprint” as part of the Bournemouth Writing Prize Anthology series. Additionally, she was lead editor on the Shortlist Anthology of 2022 for the prize.

Milie especially enjoys writing poetry; where language and literature truly meets and collaborates to create covert or overt meanings that may only be revealed to the right audience. Some of her poetry can be found in the BWP anthologies “Imprint” and “Pick Me Up”.

Milie has also worked as a Danish-English translator, allowing her to indulge in her linguistic fascinations, but she always made sure to have side-projects related to writing: she has contributed as editor / writer of two Danish anthology books about the life of young people in Denmark, and since 2021, she has done regular TV and movie reviews on the Danish film blog CityLights Films Blog.

Articles by Milie Fiirgaard

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