We all want to do big things. I get that. I want to achieve great things, too. I love the feeling of being referred to as “the guy who achieved that feat." It's great to be “the guy.”

However, in our quest to become successful, we tend to feel that there are specific places where these things become attainable. It's a cultural thing. For instance, it's easy to think you have to leave the comfort of your home for a university degree. Is this true? No.

The advent of technology has brought the university to our bedrooms or sitting rooms. This is why anyone can get a degree from the comfort of his home, taking lectures virtually. This fact shows that the place isn't what determines what we achieve; it's the actions we take and not the place that matters more in this case.

Let's see how this reality is applicable in these areas:

Turn your car into your classroom or lecture hall

In his book, The Power of Self-discipline—No Excuses, Brian Tracy wrote:

“The average businessperson who drives spends 500–1000 hours per year behind the wheel of a car. When you turn your car into a ‘university on wheels’ or a ‘mobile classroom,’ you get the educational equivalent of one to two full-time university semesters as you drive around.” Think about that for a moment. Doesn't that support the view that it's not about the place but what we do where we are that, above other things, determines the outcome of our lives?

While many road users are battling with road rage, you're busy improving yourself. I think caution should be taken because you need a level of concentration while using the road to avoid accidents and other unwanted issues.

Taking lectures in the car? That's one idea of doing the big things in small places.

Take YouTube as your coach or trainer

Do you have something you want to learn? Anything you want to learn can be found on the street of YouTube.

There are many testimonials of people who went from zero to hero in their field without spending a dollar. All they did was watch multiple YouTube videos and implement. The game changer was the implementation because no matter what we learn, it's useless if we don't implement it.

A word of caution here too is: Don't swallow everything watch you on YouTube. Learn to sieve knowledge to know what to take in and what to discard. YouTubers are not perfect. Their ideas aren't 100% accurate.

This valuable resource goes on to prove that we can get the big things from “small” places.

Turn your garage or bedroom into your factory

It's no news that many businesses started in odd places. Some businesses started in a garage, store, and even a backyard.

While the founders built these businesses, they didn't know they would grow to the point of becoming global voices, but they refused to allow “the place” they found themselves to become the place they remained. They went on to find their place in the world.

There have been arguments about where Apple started. Steve Jobs at one time claimed it all started in his garage. Whether it started in his garage or his bedroom, the point is he started to build his business from the least expected place. It wasn't a five-star, well-ventilated furnished apartment.

The issue with most starters is they want to start at the top. If you start at the top, you may end up at the bottom. Be comfortable starting at a place that doesn't look anything close to being a “cool” place. This also confirms the fact that we can do big things in small or insignificant places.

In conclusion, the notion that success is tied to specific places or circumstances is debunked by the reality that achievement is driven by the actions we take, irrespective of our surroundings. Whether it's turning a car into a classroom, leveraging YouTube as a learning platform, or starting a business from a modest location, the key lies in taking consistent and focused action. By embracing this perspective, we liberate ourselves from the constraints of location and empower ourselves to pursue our goals with determination and resourcefulness. Remember, it's not about where you are, but what you do that truly shapes your journey to success.

Remember, it's the action point that matters more than the action place.