Social networks, the media, and mega shows present idols and celebrities and also show the trails, the ways to try to reach them when targeted by obsessive people or people referenced in goals of success and achievement. In the latter case, immersed in their own frustrations and dissatisfactions, certain individuals assume that if they manage to reach successful people, they will also be known, they will become famous.

Fan clubs were common in times past and on a smaller scale they fulfilled the desire to have contact with an idol, experiencing this contact as a tribute and a reverence. The main motivation was the expression of affection supported by the need to overcome unsatisfied needs, if we were to glimpse some psychological dimension.

Obsessive, repetitive, unwanted, non-consensual contact, in short, the harassment resulting from obsession and fixation - and which, consequently, causes in the victim discomfort, fear and tension - is the well-known stalking, quite different from fan contact. The stalker threatens, he is dangerous, can become violent, invades privacy, interprets everything as a sign of communication with himself, forces the victim of his fixation to relate to him even if it is out of fear or because of the obligation to change habits aimed at security and emotional stability.

Not only famous people are victims of obsessive persecution. International statistics identify women as the biggest victims of stalkers, the vast majority of whom are ex-partners, but may also be friends, co-workers, or even strangers. Male victims are far fewer.

Hunting and cornering are what motivates obsessive, empty, self-referential individuals, and this attitude of constant persecution of celebrities or common people creates real violence and invasion of privacy. Everything is done in the sense of reaching, for better or worse, the sought after, the persecuted person, and forcing her/him into a relationship. With technological ease, they make use of emails, WhatsApp, abusive messages, sending gifts and also face-to-face harassment.

Without limits, everything is defined by chasing and winning, and violence and aggression are frequent. Rumors, bullying, trolling, as well as effusive expressions of affection and appreciation coexist in these scenarios. Every now and then, suicide is a last attempt to reach its victim, as well as death traps and ambushes.

The constant persecutor - the stalker - is the new figure amplified by the use of wide networks and relational paths, when what is desired, when the motivator is to fill the void with the fabrication of a new personality, a new profile, or through the same clothing created by what is given or offered by the common person or the persecuted celebrity. The stalker is constituted by what he pursues and, thus, destroying the sought-after myth, he finds his own emptiness and his camouflaged non-acceptances, disguised by the appropriation made of other people's bits and parts, different from the fragmented, unaccepted and consequently depersonalizing residues. For the stalker the reference points change, he is no longer John Doe or Jane Doe. He is the friend of the most famous football player or the person responsible for the fight with the super famous celebrity, or even, in his self-reference, he no longer is a solitary and isolated being, but a desired lover.

The paparazzi can also be considered stalkers, although calmed by the pecuniary confluence, by the objective of making money that characterizes them. What calms them down, this gain, is also what generates a lot of anxiety and ambition when they want more, and therefore, when they can't perform, they blackmail.

These behaviors, these persecutions characterize dissatisfaction, frustration, despair and evil, and are also the cause of great evils such as insecurity, fear, violence, unrest and disharmony.

Stalking, in several countries, is the object of Criminal Law. It is a crime, but, regardless of the nuances and setbacks of the law, victims of stalkers usually spend years of tension, fear, and anguish, also needing psychotherapeutic follow-up. The psychological aggressions to which they are subjected can become irreparable. We know that several situations equivalent to this one, various inadequacies and social problems, have always existed, “nothing is new under the sun,” already said Solomon; but Heraclitus also said: “the waters of the river that man bathes are never the same.” It all depends on the contexts, in this case platforms and access media.