Understanding the mechanisms and structure of power as a synonym for support makes us realize the driving force of human behavior and, consequently, its paradoxical establishment. We are beings on the move. We are in a world - society - where everything interrelates. The whole system is relational, it is the general dynamics that configure and define us. This “walking and sliding” always requires base, space. When space, that is, when our bases are transformed into support, we settle in and accumulate other references. These references are systems that undermine the dynamics by establishing points, support bases that sustain, oppress, and crush.

That which supports, also oppresses. When the relationships between support and oppression are broken, polarizing points emerge that transform these relationships and create new ones. What supports and oppresses does no longer correspond to the dialectical experience that occurs in contradiction, but rather a new configuration emerges: the power of the oppressor (the aggressor) and the power of the oppressed (the victim). The figure of the oppressor and the figure of the oppressed establish landmarks by breaking the relational dynamics of what supports and oppresses, thus creating other dynamics in the configuration of power.

Power is the force that supports and structures positions such as the powerful and the oppressed. It is paradoxical, but although antithetically different, they are the same, as they are structured by the same diversified force: support. The support that crushes and the support that sustains. Everything is defined by convergences and divergences, by the question of direction, of where to look and where situations converge.

Support is power, it strengthens and provides security as much as it breaks dynamics, segmenting from the polarization of references and objectives. The support in what has been amassed creates the powerful owners of wealth, as well as the strongholds of faith, knowledge, charity, goodwill, and justice. Power gives security and peace of mind. Power also creates precariousness, insecurity, and allows for unrest and doubts. How to understand this paradox? It is enough to consider that everything that supports, by definition, constitutes other processes that cross - intersections - that cut dynamics, that change directions and paths, in addition to creating fulcrums: the supports themselves.

Supports are always adhesions. Relying on adhesions weakens, dehumanizes. It consists of a reifying process in which everything comes to mean by signs: money, success, wisdom, intelligence, protection received, help in poverty and illness, victimization. This transformation of the part in the whole does devitalize. Modifications of the whole (individuality) into segmentations (society, family, capacity, and incapacity) do fragment and stigmatize. It is precisely in this fragmentation that powerful stigmas arise, such as the love that redeems everything, the goodwill that explains everything, the money that solves everything. Human devitalization, or dehumanization, begins through support - trajectory breaking - which creates islands of support, of power.

Transforming possibilities into satisfied and appeased needs does structure emptiness and fear, and exiles the individual from relational dynamics by keeping them fixed on the preservation of what appeases and satisfies them. This need for care is restrictive, requiring pledges, concessions, and agreements. We can say that the more supported and safer, the more immobilized the individual is. The power of certainty of success is always achieved by the accumulation of money, benefactors, and protection (including impunity and even rights). The more powerful, the more support and, consequently, the more inertia or the more maintenance of what has been acquired, submitted, and conquered.

When one seeks power one usually does not see the amount of stagnation, support, lack, and fear that it entails. The unfolding of the process makes clear the alienated commitment to achieve the purposes of security, prominence, and victory. Always starting from an insufficiency that one wants to remedy - nonacceptance of oneself, of the other, of the world - one seeks power so as to have a way to move without falling, without being crushed. Fear and insecurity always work as directors of scripts, of maps for guidance in this search (formation of groups, clubs, etc.). The powerful are always weak because they are supported, camouflaged by adhesions. Social movements structured in the search for power also clearly reveal these aspects, their brevity and contingency. Examples of these movements include: setting a goal, seeking supporters or followers, establishing a system. In short, rules have nothing to do with their constituents, and thus dictators and the powerful destroy and deny everything. For maintaining support, it is necessary to keep the oppressed submissive to beliefs, to the support sought, thus continuing with the entire process of alienation and power.