John M Armleder has created a unique indoor and outdoor expe­ri­ence. He has devel­oped new, expan­sive instal­la­tions specially for the SCHIRN, combining high­brow culture and the everyday world, the profound and the banal all in an ambiva­lent way.

Based on the formal reper­toire of Modernism Construc­tivism, Op Art, Pop, gestural and abstract painting, as well as video and design—Armleder finds poetic and ironic commen­taries on our present day reality and the status of art. He blends chance and plan­ning, and in many cases exhi­bi­tion visi­tors are actively included in the artistic process.

The Swiss artist is widely consid­ered one of the most impor­tant concept and perfor­mance artists and sculp­tors of today. Armleder lives and works in Geneva. As early as 1986, he repre­sented Switzer­land in the country’s pavilion at the Venice Bien­nale and in 1987 partic­i­pated in docu­menta 8 in Kassel. Numerous awards and exhi­bi­tions have followed, most recently in 2018 with retro­spec­tives at the Museum MADRE in Naples and the Museion in Bolzano to mark his 70th birthday.