La Patinoire Royale / Galerie Valérie Bach Will host in April 2019 the first solo exhibition of Carlos Cruz-Diez in Belgium for more than 50 years. Entitled Labyrinthus, this exhibition is an invitation to explore the various paths drawn by the artist to apprehend the perception of color in its pure state.

Immersive and monumental, the central piece entitled the Labyrinthe de Transchromie is in line with the first Environements designed by Carlos Cruz-Diez in 1965. The work draws in its title Transchromies (literally «through color») a course which transforms and transfigures the surrounding reality. The spectator wanders among transparent colored planes and discovers the combinations of chromatic subtraction meticulously orchestrated by the artist. Once is not custom: this Labyrinthe is a space open to the ambient light and the richness of the surrounding spaces. A space where one can linger, come back and rediscover a chromatic spectacle constantly renewed.

This exhibition brings together a selective panorama of Physichromies (Caracas, 1959/2019), Transchromies (Paris, 1965/2019) and Chromointerférences Spatiales (Paris, 1964/2019), all of which allow the spectator to discover his capacity to create, by his own perceptive means, colors that are not present on the support of the work.