Make do with what you already have,” so the old saying goes. Case in point here is the bankable baking soda. How can this common kitchen item work for us? Let’s find out.

I bet every other household keeps a baking soda in the kitchen cupboard - for some good reasons. Yes, this grainy white substance performs multiple tasks in and around the house. You can use it for anything - from laundry and cleaning, preparing your grill, and to hygiene and beauty applications. Baking soda is also the best alternative to products that contain harsh chemicals. And, of course, by using this little all-around product, you’re doing good for your health and the environment.

Baking soda, the super house-help

So, how is baking soda becomes a super house-help? Well, perhaps many of you would be quick to enumerate the ways. But, let me share this information, anyway. There might be other souls who are yet to learn to maximize the use of this common item in their kitchen. Utilizing baking soda in your household chores is cost-efficient. And it does not require the use of many tools, either. Here’s how it can work for you.

Refrigerator Deodorizer
Eliminate unpleasant smell and dried-up spills inside your fridge with baking soda. First, remove the contents of your fridge. Then apply some baking soda on a damp sponge and clean your fridge with it. And to keep your refrigerator smell fresh all the time, make it a habit to place a box of baking soda inside.

Microwave cleaner
Your refrigerator is not the only appliance a baking soda can clean. It’s also versatile at wiping out the splattered-on walls of your microwave. Get a quart of warm water, mix in four tablespoons of baking soda in it, and scrub the inside of your microwave. This solution does not only clean your microwave. It also deodorizes your appliance.

Iron cookware cleaner
Homemakers know well that iron cookware is harder to clean than the non-stick type. But don’t worry. Baking soda can help loosen all those cooked-on food in your iron cookware. Put two teaspoonfuls of baking soda into a quart of water, boil it, and when the solution cools down, scrub it.

Oven-proof glass cookware cleaner
Here’s an easy peasy way to remove those baked-on sugar and starches from your glass cookware. Soak your cookware in a solution of warm water and dishwashing liquid. Add a bit of baking soda into it and let sit for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse.

Thermos bottle cleaner
Remove the water deposits from your thermos bottle with baking soda. Make a solution of 1/4 cup baking soda and water. Pour it into your thermos bottle, and let it soak overnight. Rinse it clean in the morning or before using.

Coffee Maker cleaner
You must clean your automatic coffee maker once every two weeks or so. This way, you prevent it from producing weak or bitter coffee. Brew a pot of 1/4 water and 1/4 cup baking soda, followed by a pot of clean water.

Coffee and tea stain remover
Dampen a soft cloth and dip it in baking soda. Once you form a stiff paste with it, gently rub the stains off your cups and saucers.

Dishwasher deodorizer
Pour in a liberal amount of baking soda into your dishwasher and run the empty machine through its rinse cycle. Or, you may sprinkle half a cup of the baking soda on the bottom part of your dishwasher between loads. Either way, you’ll surely have an odorless dishwashing machine.

Melted plastic remover
Sometimes, plastic wrap melts in the toaster oven or toaster. Get a damp cloth, sprinkle some baking soda over it and scrub off the mess.

Stovetop grease remover
Moisten cooked-on grease stains on your stovetop and backsplash. Sprinkle some baking soda over it. Then wipe them off with a damp sponge or towel.

Put out grease fires and electrical fires
Baking soda’s ability to put out a fire is a known fact. It’s one of the main ingredients in many commercial fire extinguishers. So, in case a fire blows up due to too much grease in and around your cookware, sprinkle a box of baking soda over it. The same procedure applies when an electrical fire occurs in your house.

Clean fruits and vegetables
To remove impurities left behind by tap water, wash your fruits and vegetables in cold water with a teaspoon of baking soda. But don’t add any baking soda when cooking vegetables. It will destroy some of the vitamins.

Fluffed omelets
Achieve an enticing fluffed omelet. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to every 3 eggs used.

Tenderize meat
Soften your meat with baking soda. Rub down a good amount of baking soda on your meat and store in the refrigerator for 3 - 5 hours. Rinse well before cooking.

Remove fish smell
I know fish smell can be awful. But baking soda can do the trick. Soak fresh fish in about a quart of water. Add baking soda into it and let it sit in your refrigerator for an hour. Rinse your fish well before cooking. To remove the fish smell from your hands, think of baking soda. Again! Rub your wet hands with a liberal amount of baking soda. And notice how it softens your hands as you rinse. The same thing applies when your hands smell of garlic, onion, or other spices.

Reduce acids in recipes Sprinkle a pinch of baking soda while cooking tomato-based sauces or brewing coffee. This will substantially lessen the overall acidity of your food and beverage.

Reduce gas-producing properties from beans
Because of its gas-producing properties, beans can lead you farting all the way after dinner. If you don’t like to go gas-blowing, though, simply add a little bit of baking soda to the beans as they cook.

Balance the taste of vinegar
If you have put too much vinegar in a recipe, just add a very little bit (I mean less than a pinch) of baking soda into it. Be aware that too much of the baking soda and vinegar combination will send it foaming.

Cutting board cleaner
The cutting board is prone to germs and bacteria. But you can keep it clean the easy way. Make a paste out of 1 tablespoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon salt, and a tablespoon water. Scrub your wooden or plastic cutting board with the paste. And then rinse with hot water.

Improvised dishwashing detergent
Did you run out of dishwashing detergent? Don’t fret! Mix 2 tablespoons baking soda with 2 tablespoons borax and you’ll get a better option. You might even decide to switch to it permanently.

Economize on your dishwashing liquid
Give your dishwashing liquid more grease-cutting power for less. Just add 2 tablespoons baking soda to the usual amount of dishwashing liquid you use. And you’ll see how many more dishes you can clean with it.

Grease cutter
To easily remove grease from your kitchen utensils and dishes, just add a tablespoon of baking soda in your dishwater. Baking soda neutralizes the fatty acids that usually go with grease stains and dirt. The neutralized acids then break up and dissolve in water or just wiped away. And not only does it wipe away dirt and grease. Baking soda also softens your hands as you wash your dishes.

Sponges cleaner
With constant use, your sponges inevitably become yucky and develop a stale smell. Not to mention full of germs and bacteria! But, don’t be too disgusted yet. Soak your dirty sponges in a solution of one-pint water and two tablespoons baking soda. And, it’s ready to serve you again!

Garbage bin deodorizer
The kitchen garbage bin can smell awful. Sprinkle a little amount of baking soda at the bottom of the bin. Or, you may dip a wet paper towel in baking soda to clean it. Then rinse it off with a moistened sponge. Let it dry before inserting a new bag.

Carpet Freshener
Didn’t you know that you can actually make your own custom carpet freshener? Get 3/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup talcum powder, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, and your favorite scent. Mix them well and sprinkle the mixture on your carpet. Let stand for about 15 minutes before you vacuum it.

Let’s temporarily stop at 25 uses of the bankable baking soda for now. This is just Part 1. Watch out for Part 2 of the subject that I’ll be posting soon. There are still more ways that this common household product can make life easier for you and me. It’s cheaper on the budget, too. That’s why it’s worth sharing. Just keep coming back to this site.