For the first time, masterpieces from the National Gallery of Duckburg are exhibited outside their hometown! After years of negotiations with the prudent gallery, this rare honour has been accorded to the Ateneum Art Museum in celebration of Finland’s 100 years of independence. Gems of Duckburgian art will be shown alongside works from the Ateneum collection at the Stories of Finnish Art exhibition.

The National Gallery is Duckburg’s leading art museum and the cradle and home of Duckburgian art. It houses collections of duckkind’s most cherished artistic accomplishments from the 19th century to the present day. The exhibition visiting Ateneum samples characteristic pieces from the Golden Age of Duckburgian art, when works like these helped build the city’s avian identity. They present a touching picture of the ducks’ relationship with one another and the surrounding nature.

Art experts through the ages have been fascinated by the connection between Duckburgian and Finnish art. Several parallels exist; Ferdinand von Wright’s The Fighting Capercaillies bears a striking resemblance to Ferdy von Wren’s The Fighting Waterfowl. Audubon Gander-Kallela and Akseli Gallen-Kallela explored similar themes often in a similar manner.