Exhibition in Kadriorg Art Museum in Tallin (Kadrioru kunstimuuseum), division of the Art Museum of Estonia, organized in collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw
A large-scale international exhibition, organized in collaboration with the National Museum in Warsaw, brings almost 40 Netherlandish mannerist paintings from Poland to the Kadriorg Art Museum, where they will be joined by paintings from the Kadriorg collection.
Mannerist art originated in Italy in the 1520s and from there had spread all over Europe by the second half of the century. Artists travelled to Rome and Florence to study and explore the contemporary art of Michelangelo, Raphael and Titian. From their observations and artistic rivalry with the great masters an international style evolved. It was vital in Europe until the first half of the 17th century and involved different media: painting, graphics, applied arts and architecture.
The main character of mannerist art was artistry. The work was no longer an attempt at an objective imitation of nature but a subjective creation, reflecting the individuality of the artist and the patron. In painting form, perspective and colour were often distorted, used as artistic means of expression.
In the Netherlands the mannerist style was prevalent from 1550 to 1620. The exhibition aims to present its diversity. By explaining the context from which this intriguing art phenomenon sprang and the purpose it served, we are able to view it with curiosity and excitement.
Kadriorg Art Museum is situated in the summer residence of Peter the Great, built in 1718. The exhibition will be part of the anniversary of 300 years of its existence, as well as the centenary of Estonia’s independence.